Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Facebook Lead Ads Get More Features & Come To Desktop Jan 19, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Lead ads can now appear on all devices. New options give users more information to encourage lead submissions.
Paris-Based Startup Reelevant Offers Simplified Email Personalization Jan 19, 2016 by Barry Levine The company’s “live intelligence” solution can change a product photo in an email to an image that is more rain-appropriate if the recipient’s weather changes.
Apple iAd’s App Network Shutting Down Jan 19, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Another sign that Apple is taking iAd in a new direction.
Why Local Search Rank Trackers Fail Jan 19, 2016 by Andrew Shotland Columnist Andrew Shotland finds most local ranking solutions to be lacking for a number of reasons. Is there any way to solve this problem?
Top 10 Video Creators In December: BuzzFeed Tasty Reclaims No. 1 Spot With 1B Views Jan 19, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues BuzzFeed generated more than 2.16 billion combined video views for the month from its BuzzFeed Tasty, BuzzFeed Video and BuzzFeed Food videos.
Automate Your Way To Search Marketing Success Jan 19, 2016 by David Fothergill Columnist David Fothergill makes the case that automation can free up valuable time to let search marketers do what they do best: strategize.
Don’t Miss SMX West – Here Are 10 Reasons Why Jan 19, 2016 by Marketing Land Are you obsessed with SEO or SEM? Then SMX West is for you! Here are 10 reasons you should attend: 10. Pre-Conference Workshops Pre-conference workshops offer a full day deep-dive into SEO, advanced AdWords, local search, in-house SEO, personal branding, or SEO/User Experience (UX).
6 Big Mistakes That SEO Rookies Make Jan 19, 2016 by John Lincoln Columnist John Lincoln has been in this business a long time — and seen a lot of the same mistakes. Learn from the errors of other SEO newbies to start your career off on the right foot.
Study: Sophisticated Bots Outwitting Marketers, Will Cost $7.2 Billion In 2016 Jan 19, 2016 by Greg Sterling Ad fraud is a major problem in digital advertising that results in billions of dollars in annual losses to marketers. While marketers are winning the battle against “basic bots,” they’re losing against more sophisticated bots, according to a new study and report from White Ops and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).
Do You Know What People Expect From Online Content? Jan 19, 2016 by Erika Trautman Consumers in the US and UK weighed in on their content consumption preferences in a recent survey, contributor Erika Trautman shares. Can you predict what they said they want from marketers?
Content Marketing And Targeting Fallacies Jan 19, 2016 by Rebecca Lieb When it comes to audience targeting, don’t look for shortcuts. Columnist Rebecca Lieb explains how to tackle it the right way without skipping some essential steps.
Twitter Sustains Massive Outage Across Web, Mobile & APIs Jan 19, 2016 by Greg Finn You may have issues using Twitter this morning. They are working on fixing a service issue.
Freshen Up Your 2016 Email Strategy Jan 18, 2016 by Jose Cebrian A new year brings new opportunities to step up your email strategy. Columnist Jose Cebrian offers recommendations to help you reassess your email program and make it shine in 2016.
Super Bowl 50 Advertisers: These Brands Are Ready To Play The Commercial Game Jan 18, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues See which brands will be airing ads on the most-watched sports night of the year, along with their campaigns, teaser ads and more.
Google Changes Language, Being “Plus-Size” Or “Curvy” Isn’t A Negative Physical Attribute Jan 18, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Google has updated its language for ad disapproval for Gmail ads. A look at Gmails extensive ad content restrictions.
What Is The New eBay Enterprise All About? Jan 15, 2016 by Barry Levine We asked the new CEO of the eBay spinoff, following several months in which it sold off divisions and acquired two companies.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Google Revamps Their Webmasters Portal With Clean New Slick Design & Resources
Google Expandable PLA View Test Displays 16 Product Listing Ads
You Can Now Install Android Apps Directly From Google’s Search Results
Survey: Under 40 Percent Start A “Local Search” With A Search Engine
Google Core Algorithm Updates Continue As SEOs Notice Weekend Google Update
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Google Doodle Celebrates Civil Rights Leader’s Moving Speeches
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Who owns data analytics in your company? And who should?, econsultancy.com
Blogs & Blogging
Are You Ignoring This All-Important Aspect of Your Blog?, www.problogger.net
Are You Really Ready to Start a Blog in 2016?, www.blogtyrant.com
The Science of Creating Highly Shareable Roundup Posts, www.marketingprofs.com
What’s the Difference Between a Blog and a Newsletter?, mackcollier.com
Business Issues
AOL considering brand change, Business Insider
Apple, Alphabet, Yahoo Hoping to Use Super Bowl to Score at Home, blogs.wsj.com
Facebook is opening an Oculus research office in Pittsburgh, venturebeat.com
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo joins Index Ventures as partner, cofounds new fitness startup, venturebeat.com
Google Sales SVP Philipp Schindler On Challenges From Apple, Facebook, recode.net
U.S. lawsuit against founder of Facebook’s Oculus can proceed, judge says, www.reuters.com
What The Interview Process Is Like At Google, Apple, Amazon, And Other Tech Companies, www.fastcompany.com
Content Marketing
4 Things World Class Content Marketers Do Every Time They Create Content, www.jeffbullas.com
4 Tools to Create Interactive Content in Minutes, contentmarketinginstitute.com
60 Steps for Your Content Writing Checklist, www.convinceandconvert.com
Brilliant Content Starts Here, pushingsocial.com
How to Rein in Your Content Marketing Budget, www.searchinfluence.com
Long-Form Content or Short Posts; Which Is More Important?, mackcollier.com
Native Advertising: Fad or New Go-To Standard?, contentmarketinginstitute.com
What to Include in a Content Marketing Proposal, www.komarketingassociates.com
Conversion Optimization
11 Proven Ways to Use Social Proof to Increase Your Conversions, optinmonster.com
Power your AB Testing by selecting the right audience, thedma.org
Copywriting, Design & Usability
What Happened When I Flipped a WordPress Based Site from http to https, sugarrae.com
11 Things You Need To Know To Talk About UX, www.searchenginepeople.com
12 Tools For UX Design Newbies, usabilitygeek.com
7 Customer Experience Lessons I Learned from the Smartest Minds in the Industry, www.usertesting.com
How Can Design Agencies Charge So Much?, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Nine Copywriter Woes: Mistakes to Avoid With Your Copywriter, www.marketingprofs.com
Display & Contextual Advertising
3 Strategies for Overcoming Banner Blindness, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
.top gTLD tops a million as China goes domain nuts, domainincite.com
AlpNames overtakes GoDaddy As The 2nd Largest New gTLD Domain Registrar, www.thedomains.com
Coke Unites Brands Under “Taste the Feeling” They Got Twitter Covered But Not The .Com, www.thedomains.com
Domain Names: Location, Location, Location or Brand?, dotweekly.com
$83B In Online Sales During Holidays, Fueled By Mobile Phones, www.cmo.com
30 Secrets to Marketing an eCommerce Store, smallbiztrends.com
Ecommerce checkout progress indicators: essential, not optional, econsultancy.com
First Amazon Dash-Powered Devices Go Live, Will Automatically Reorder Supplies For You, techcrunch.com
How Amazon Is Slowly Building a World in Which It Takes Very Little Effort to Shop, www.adweek.com
How e-retailers plan to improve personalization in 2016, www.internetretailer.com
Late surge pushes holiday web sales up 12.7%, www.internetretailer.com
Report predicts physical stores will morph into e-commerce showrooms, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
12 Email Tips That Convince and Convert, blog.crazyegg.com
2 Common Email Mistakes Even Seasoned Digital Marketers Make, www.martechadvisor.com
4 Ways to Invest in Email Marketing, for 2016, www.practicalecommerce.com
Comparing Email Subscribers Acquired from Pop-Ups vs. Other Methods, sugarrae.com
How Long Should Your Marketing Emails Be? You Might be Surprised, smallbiztrends.com
How Retail Marketers Are Improving Their Email Campaigns, www.marketingprofs.com
Managing the Double-Edged Sword of Teaser Emails, smallbiztrends.com
Never Share Your Email List, blogs.constantcontact.com
Tips for Creating an Email Signature That is Effective, smallbiztrends.com
General Internet Marketing
5 ways brands are using cinemagraphs, digiday.com
Five Ways to Make Your Brand More Powerful, www.marketingprofs.com
How Marketing WON’T Change This Year & Our 2016 Futurist Round-up!, www.aimclearblog.com
What Trends Will Drive Digital Marketing Success in 2016?, www.adweek.com
Where’s B2B Marketing Headed to This Year, www.martechadvisor.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Fusion Marketing Partners Agency Rolls Out Marketing Automation Services, fusionmarketingpartners.com
Pixability Announces Media Industry Veteran Nancy Lazaros as Chief Financial Officer, www.pixability.com
How the Tech Emerging From CES Could Impact Local Advertisers, streetfightmag.com
How to Combine Social Media and B2B Marketing Automation, www.convinceandconvert.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 Ways to Improve Local Visibility Online, smallbiztrends.com
5oosh Celebrity Engagement Platform Launches on iOS, Android, www.adweek.com
App Store prices increasing in Canada, Mexico and more thanks to exchange rates, www.imore.com
Google Is Rolling Out The Ability To Install Apps Directly From Search Results, www.androidpolice.com
Google Tests “Tap 10,” A Rewards Program For Android Pay Users, TechCrunch
Mobile Advertising: A Primer, 3qdigital.com
Mobile’s biggest opportunity is not advertising or an app, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
These Are the Mobile Commerce Trends You Need to Watch in 2016, www.adweek.com
Watch out Silicon Valley: India is quickly becoming the smartest mobile ecosystem on the planet, www.tune.com
What is location-based advertising & why is it the next big thing?, econsultancy.com
WhatsApp to Drop Subscription Fee, www.wsj.com
Reputation Management
4 Tips for Managing the Reviews & Reputation of Your Multi-Location Business, www.searchinfluence.com
Social Media
3 Things You’ll Need to Improve Your Company’s Social Network, smallbiztrends.com
31 LinkedIn Tools for Business, Plus a Few Extras, smallbiztrends.com
4 Ways to Increase Your Pinterest Visibility, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
5 Tips for Taking Advantage of the 2016 Social Commerce Boom, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
5 ways to use Facebook Live for your small business, blogs.constantcontact.com
Facebook gives brands more ways to convince you to sign up for news, venturebeat.com
Facebook Pages App to Page Admins: Create a Call to Action, www.adweek.com
Four steps to help you own events on Twitter, econsultancy.com
Here’s How Snapchat Became Such a Hot Platform for Digital Marketers in So Little Time, www.adweek.com
How Marketers Can Make the Most of Instagram, www.cmswire.com
How to Increase Awareness, Generate Leads and Create Advocacy With Social Media, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instagram Is Now a Pay-to-Play Platform, www.adweek.com
Leverage This Social Network Mind Trick for More Effective Influencer Marketing, moz.com
Linkedin Showcase Pages: Create More Brand Assets with LinkedIn Company Page, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
Most Brands on Instagram Post Daily Content, www.emarketer.com
Planet Facebook: 87% of world governments now on social network; Obama is most-‘liked’ leader, venturebeat.com
The 3 Social Media Rules for Death and Tragedy, www.convinceandconvert.com
What You Need to Know on How Social Media is Changing Communication, blog.bufferapp.com
Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes You Need To Avoid, www.jeffbullas.com
Twitter’s Latest Dedicated Celebrity Apps Supercharge Moments, techcrunch.com
Two Audiences to Exclude in Your Next Facebook Campaign, www.clixmarketing.com
Are Video Advertisers Targeting the Right Audience on YouTube?, www.reelseo.com
Google builds local version of YouTube just for Pakistan to circumvent 3-year ban, venturebeat.com
How to Use Video on Your Blog for Maximum Results, www.blogherald.com
Quality Control on Periscope: What You Can Do, simplymeasured.com
Ways to Use Periscope Streaming on Twitter for Business, smallbiztrends.com