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Marketing Day: Facebook ad group tests, micro-moments & YouTube’s top 10 ads

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Using Google to drive offline sales Oct 11, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Google shows special results for an open-ended search for goods or services when it knows your location. Or when you add a phrase like “near me” or “Tribeca.” Does all this mobile, location-centric search translate into real-world business outcomes?

  1. Facebook tests ads in Groups, potentially easing ad load issue Oct 11, 2016 by Tim Peterson If Facebook decides to officially slot ads in Group feeds, the new inventory could offset its news feed ad load dilemma.

  2. Expedia now lets you pick Hawaii travel packages with your smile Oct 11, 2016 by Barry Levine Its new ‘Discover Your Aloha’ campaign is one of the first where facial recognition helps a consumer make a choice.

  3. Forget about unique content. Try actually BEING local! Oct 11, 2016 by Greg Gifford Columnist Greg Gifford notes that when all your competitors have unique content, then that alone won’t be enough to help you stand out from the crowd.

  4. Does finding that micro-moment feel like chasing fireflies? Here are 9 data points that will help you catch them. Oct 11, 2016 by Wesley Young Consumers are searching, doing and buying on their mobile devices, yet the challenge to reach them seems greater than ever. Columnist Wesley Young of the Local Search Association takes a look at 9 stats that suggest ways to improve your capture rate.

  5. Twitter’s debate live stream viewership exceeds NFL audience — again Oct 11, 2016 by Tim Peterson 3.2 million people saw Sunday night’s president debate broadcast on Twitter, compared to 3.1 million who streamed last week’s Thursday Night Football game.

  6. Your most effective marketing assets may be hiding in your fans’ social activity Oct 11, 2016 by Jordan Kasteler Columnist Jordan Kasteler discusses the value of visuals in marketing and why the images generated by your customers are your most powerful marketing tools.

  7. Top 10 YouTube ads in September: Apple ranks No. 1, Clash Royale wins 3 spots Oct 11, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues With two ads in the top 5, Apple earns 20.6M views. Clash Royale generates more than 16M views.

  8. Marketing automation made easy Oct 11, 2016 by Mary Wallace Marketing automation doesn’t have to be intimidating. Columnist Mary Wallace explains how to select the right tool and offers tips for launching a marketing automation project.

  9. Will the end of Samsung’s Galaxy Note boost sales of Google’s Pixel? Oct 11, 2016 by Greg Sterling Samsung is facing billions in lost sales, as well as damage to its brand and reputation.

  10. See the complete agenda for MarTech Europe Oct 11, 2016 by Scott Brinker Technology-powered marketing, or “modern” marketing, is reshaping organizations’ processes, operations and managerial hierarchies and enabling us to reinvent the customer journey. Large enterprise websites typically have 75 technologies in their martech stacks, according to a recent study.

  11. The mobile wallet could grow up to become a real marketing channel Oct 10, 2016 by Barry Levine Here are some of the hidden strengths of this keeper of coupons, credit cards and boarding passes.

  12. Workplace by Facebook opens to organizations across the globe Oct 10, 2016 by Greg Finn Facebook aims to take on Yammer and Chatter head-on with the official global launch of Workplace.

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