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Marketing Day: Email Marketers Go Mobile, Google’s “News Publishing Center” &

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. How Are Email Marketers Handling The Shift To Mobile? How To Prepare Ten years ago, email marketers could be nearly certain that the messages they sent would be received, opened and read on a desktop or laptop PC with a dedicated wired Ethernet connection to the internet. Today, however, email messages are more likely to be opened and read on a smartphone than a PC. Marketers today have […]

  2. Mobile Traffic To News Sites Dropped 8.5% During Facebook Outage Facebook’s brief outage Friday was annoying to many, including apparently the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department, but it was useful for people interested in the social network’s impact on web traffic. Chartbeat, which provides real-time analytics for web publishers, found that overall traffic on news sites fell 3% during the outage, which started at about noon […]

  3. Data Protection Case Against Facebook Ireland Open To All Users Outside Of US & Canada Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems wants Facebook to pay for breaching European data protection law, and has filed a lawsuit against the company that is open to all users outside of the U.S. and Canada. According to a report from Wired UK, Schrems’ case against Facebook’s Dublin-based European subsidiary is seeking damages of €500 ($670) […]

  4. #LiveInLevis Site Highlights Hipsterific Lives Of Others… And E-Commerce Unleashing every hipsterific Millennial stereotype and alienating everyone else who once proudly wore Levi’s, AKQA is out with the Live in Levi’s Project, a “digital platform designed to engage and activate the expansive global community of Levi’s fans around their shared experiences.” As long as they are aged roughly 20-30. Snark aside, the project is […]

  5. Yahoo Launches ComScore vCE Integration To Lure Brand Advertisers Today, Yahoo announced the integration with comScore’s audience verification service, Validated Campaign Essentials (vCE), is now live on its ad buying and reporting platforms in the US. The two companies first announced the partnership at the Digital NewFronts in April. The comScore solution gives media buyers access to TV-comparable metrics such as audience demographics, reach, […]

  6. How To Corrupt The Social Data You’re Gathering (And Kill Your Focus Group In The Process) The trend du jour for virtually bringing people together (with no actual physical or emotional commitment) is inside the protective walls of a secret, members-only group on a certain social network. Sometimes this is under the aegis of a brand, while, at other times, the group forms spontaneously — creating a ready-made focus group for […]

  7. LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Splits Into Separate App For Standalone Social Selling The era of social selling is upon us and LinkedIn’s taken note. In response to the varying needs of its users, LinkedIn is dividing their apps and segmenting each with various tools. The new Sales Navigator app is geared specifically towards sales folks, putting the most pertinent information at the fingertips of users. Updates can […]

  8. How Much Does Content Cost? It’s Not An Easy Question, And Here’s Why How much does content marketing cost? Tough question, right? So let’s break the question down a bit to try to simplify it. How much does content creation cost? There are still no easy answers, are there? Yet it’s a question marketers persist in asking, in much the same way people were asking back in the […]

  9. New ‘Publisher Center’ Released To Take The Headache Out Of Google News The process for getting your site listed in Google News has been nothing short of a catastrophe over the past few years. Google News has been known to have vague quality standards and a submission process that left webmasters guessing. Thankfully, Google has released Google News Publisher Center that integrates with your Webmaster Tools account […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:


Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

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Email Marketing

General Internet Marketing

Mobile/Local Marketing

  1. 4 Key Takeaways to a Smart Mobile Marketing Strategy,

  2. 73 Smartphone and Tablet Facts Every Marketer Needs,

  3. Announcing the Industry’s First Mobile-Optimized Transaction Management Solution,

  4. Apple says July was record-setting month for app store revenue,

  5. Finding the balance point in mobile advertising,

  6. Mobile coupon users to total 1B by 2019,

  7. Pro Tips for Flickr’s iOS app,

  8. Should publishers really think ‘mobile-first’?,

  9. Smartphone Users Really Don’t Want Stores Stalking Them,

  10. The new mobile display ecosystem: What does the future hold?,

  11. What 5 Studies Tell Us About Mobile Marketing & Conversions,

Reputation Management

Social Media

  1. 7 Status Update Ideas That Will Cure Social Media Writer’s Block,

  2. 9 Foolproof Ways To Gain 1000s Of Twitter Followers,

  3. Bring All Your Social Channels Together: The Cross-Channel Social Performance Report,

  4. Bursting Negative Bubbles: 7 Ways To Turn Bad Feedback Into Good Social Media,

  5. Facebook Adds Ad Scheduling to Power Editor,

  6. Facebook For Windows Phone Now Supports Video Uploads, Integrates With Messenger,

  7. From Dreaming of Ice Cream To Buying A Cone: How Social Media Gets People into Your Store,

  8. How to Create Shareable Content for Social Media Audiences,

  9. How to Infuse Your Personality Into Your Social Media Marketing,

  10. McDonald’s Instagram Ads Get Super-Sized Backlash,

  11. More Than Six in 10 Access Social Networks on Their Smartphones, Tablets [STUDY],

  12. North Korea, Iran, China, Pakistan, Turkey: Countries Who Block Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC],

  13. Social Media Copy: How to “Convert”,

  14. Soulmix Wants To Bring Back Social Bookmarking,

  15. Supercharge Social Marketing with the Offerpop-Hootsuite Integration,

  16. The 10 Most Popular People on Twitter [STATS],

  17. The Two Types of Social Media Engagement,

  18. This Twitter vigilante is calling out mediocre promoted tweets,

  19. Tumblr uses anti-Facebook pitch to brands,

  20. Twitter’s Biggest Advertising Problem & Why It Hurts Marketers,

  21. Video: How to Optimize Your Social Media Program for Twitter, RKG Blog


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