Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
7 ways to use dynamic content and multiply your conversions. Nov 13, 2017 by Digital Marketing Depot Ask marketers what their goals are, and one of the first things they will say is to deliver a more personalized experience to their customers. This isn’t a goal aimed solely at increasing conversions; it’s also about meeting customers’ growing expectations.
Snapchat now lets brands link Sponsored Lens, Geofilter ads to their sites Nov 13, 2017 by Tim Peterson Snapchat is opening up its most brand-friendly formats to sales-minded marketers.
Here’s how international firm Bynder is gearing up for GDPR Nov 13, 2017 by Barry Levine The digital asset management firm, headquartered in Amsterdam but with a major US presence, sees GDPR as a competitive advantage as well as an obligation.
Keurig and the challenges of remaining non-partisan in a polarized marketplace Nov 13, 2017 by Greg Sterling Being truly apolitical is no longer an option.
Drift unveils a chat window that knows when your account is visiting the site Nov 13, 2017 by Barry Levine Called Drift AM, it syncs with Salesforce CRM, notifies the account’s salesperson for that account and delivers an opening personalized message.
Your brand vs. social algorithms: The conundrum of 2018 Nov 13, 2017 by Blaise Lucey Brands are finding themselves at the mercy of algorithm changes from the likes of Instagram and Twitter. Columnist Blaise Lucey discusses what that will mean for your social and content strategy in 2018.
Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:
Our ‘Ultimate Guide to GDPR’ launches today Nov 13, 2017 by Robin Kurzer The General Data Protection Regulation will be enforceable starting in May 2018. Our new guide provides history, context and guidance.
Even with hype, AR struggling to scale Nov 13, 2017 by Evan Magliocca Despite all the excitement around augmented reality, it’s still struggling to find its place in retail. Columnist Evan Magliocca discusses the hurdles that AR will need to overcome to gain ground in 2018.
Google’s ‘Physical Web’ loses the Chrome browser Nov 13, 2017 by Barry Levine The company’s vision of beacons broadcasting URLs to its browser bites the dust, but URLs into Android’s Nearby remains.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Alibaba smashes its Single’s Day record once again as sales cross $25 billion, TechCrunch
4 ways to get legitimate Amazon reviews, Practical Ecommerce
6 Tips to Help Email Marketers Stay Sane During the Holiday Season, Movable Ink Blog
Black Friday Tips: The No-Nonsense Guide for High-Volume Operations, Shopify
How to Sell With Instagram Shoppable Posts: Shopping on Instagram, Social Media Examiner
It’s time to act: Adopt new data strategies for better marketing, Think with Google
New research: Understanding the root cause of account takeover, Google Online Security Blog
Oath unveils RYOT Studio as its global creative studio for brands and agencies, Oath
Technology, Strategy Tips for Your Digital Analytics Program, CMS Wire
Why Starting a Podcast Intrigues Forward-Thinking Content Marketers, Copyblogger