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Marketing Day: December E-commerce Report, More Facebook Video Stats & CMO Predictions For 2015

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google “Store Visits” Part Of Larger Movement Toward Metrics That Matter Even as the IAB reported today that Q3 digital advertising revenues were the highest recorded to date, the industry is in the midst of soul searching — if not crisis. A recent analysis from the Association of National Advertisers found that there are billions of dollars of annual online ad fraud in the US. And Google recently […]

  2. December 2014 E-Commerce Orders Up 16.5% & Revenue Climbs 15.6% Over Last Year [Report] Custora says current trends indicate another record-breaking holiday season for online retailers.

  3. More Brands Uploading Video Directly To Facebook Vs. Posting YouTube Videos On Facebook Pages [Report] SocialBakers says natively uploaded videos are winning an 80 percent share of all video interactions happening on Facebook.

  4. Old Navy Celebrates 12 Days Of Christmas With #StealOrStay White Elephant Vine Game This month, working with We Are Social and Niche Media, Old Navy launched a white elephant gift swap game called #StealOrStay. For 12 days, beginning December 8, the brand is posting the 12 gifts it will give away on Vine and Twitter. To enter a drawing to win a prize, a person must retweet or […]

  5. What Does The Future Hold For Marketers? 16 CMOs Share Their Predictions For 2015 Mobile marketing is top of mind for many, along with content, video and social all playing an integral role in the coming year.

  6. Would Someone Please Tell SEO Tool Makers About Mobile? Industry leaders in digital marketing have long called for an increased focus on mobile. But columnist Bryson Meunier notes that these companies may not be practicing what they preach.

  7. Report: Most News Sites Score A “D” For Mobile User Experience While not yet dominant across the industry, mobile visits to news sites continue to grow. Yet most of the top traditional news sites woefully underperform on mobile devices according to The Search Agency’s latest “User Experience Scorecard.” The company scored the mobile performance of the “top 50 print news and media companies” in terms of “user […]

  8. Brand Safety’s Moment Has Arrived (At Last) When I started the 614 Group in 2011, digital brand safety was a key component of the original business plan. However, if I had tried to hold an actual summit on the topic, I probably wouldn’t have been able to fill a phone booth with high-level ad-tech veterans. Fast forward to three years later: in […]

  9. SMX West Rates Increase Tomorrow – Register Now & Save! SMX West Super Early Bird rates expire tomorrow, Friday, December 19. Register now and join us in San Jose March 3-5. Here’s what you get: Exceptional content: 60 tactic-packed sessions, inspiring keynotes and clinics Invaluable connections: Meet the expert speakers and fellow attendees who share your interests and challenges pre-show and in-person at our many […]

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