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Marketing Day: December 4, 2012

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Recently there have been a number of reports that assert iOS (iPhone, iPads) are generating the majority of mobile web traffic (and mobile transactions). This is somewhat strange because of the dominance and proliferation of Android handsets on the market. Below are comScore’s most recent US smartphone operating system share data. Android has essentially 54 […]

Looking for an agency to manage some or all of your digital marketing initiatives? Not sure how to find the right partner, or who to trust? You’re not alone. That’s why our sister company, Digital Marketing Depot surveyed the landscape to help marketers navigate the many choices available and help you make more informed decisions […]

Tablets and smartphones are lumped together in the same category: mobile. But that’s not accurate because it blunts and obscures some of the differences in how consumers use these devices. Both tablets and smartphones are used at home. However, generally speaking, only smartphones truly make it outside and are used “on the go.” (Carrier-connected 7-inch […]

The big three sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) are about to become the big four. Pinterest is here to stay and was the clear cut winner in Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media Report. Pinterest showed the most growth year-over-year for social desktop usage, social web usage and social app usage. Pinterest saw a 1,047% increase in unique […]

Mobile push notifications provider Urban Airship has acquired Tello. Tello began as a consumer ratings and customer service mobile app/product. But much more recently the company introduced a product called PassTools. PassTools makes it easy for publishers and app developers to create coupons, tickets and loyalty cards for Passbook. It offers simple templates, analytics and […]

For many senior executives, the jury is still out on social media. They want proof in the form of hard numbers that show business value. Budgets aren’t likely to grow until they get it. Unfortunately, the data needed to make the case are dispersed, and analysis takes time (something social media marketers don’t often have). […]

One of the so-called standard operating procedures we digital marketers espouse most vehemently is “optimization.” We believe we’ve got this practice nailed. Search practitioners coined the term and drove the movement from the earliest days — wielding a love for data, crude original campaign management systems, Excel-based testing matrices and a belief that optimization was […]

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