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Marketing Day: December 31, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

What were the hottest subjects for discussion and exploration among digital marketers in 2013? Looking back at the year in contributed columns, we’d deduce that mobile marketing, changes at Google, LinkedIn developments, and programmatic media buying were top of mind. On Marketing Land, we published columns contributed by practitioners in a variety of disciplines: Email […]

It’s the Eve of a New Year. Aside from the celebrations, it’s a fine time to spend a few minutes contemplating goals for the New Year ahead. For us marketers, perhaps the single biggest perennial challenge we face (aside from getting a little more exercise) is keeping up with the phenomenal pace of change in […]

QR Codes are dead and Responsive Design is controversial. Those are two of the takeaways from our most popular Mobile Marketing columns in 2013. There’s no denying that Mobile is one of most explosive and fast-changing sectors in digital marketing, and we’re thankful to have had such knowledgeable experts share their views and insights about […]

A leaked Facebook magazine was obtained by TechCrunch that touches on first ever breakdown of international mobile use. The verdict? Facebook’s mobile adoption is quite healthy with most countries up over the 50% mark of total mobile users. Previous reports clumped this data by region, but this glimpse shows the breakdown across 7 countries. The […]

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