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Marketing Day: December 31, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

What were our most popular stories on Marketing Land over the past year? Below, the news stories that were published in 2012 that were read the most: Microsoft To Make Same Privacy Change Google Was Attacked For; No One Seems To Care (October) Hands-Off: Microsoft Surface Tablet Review (June 2002) Schmidt: Google+ Not Favored, Happy To Talk […]

Well, it’s that time of year again: time to squeeze in every little bit of revenue before the 2012 books close; time to take every last day of vacation before they magically disappear at the stroke of midnight on December 31st; and, perhaps most importantly, it’s that time of year when a whole host of year-end […]

What happened in social media over the past year? In 2012, everything from President Obama holding a Google Hangout to Facebook buying Instagram and going public to the Pope joining Twitter and Psy’s Gangnam Style breaking one billion views on YouTube. The folks at The SEO Company working with NowSourcing produced a nice infographic documenting some […]

Over this holiday weekend Foursquare rolled out some rather large privacy changes that affect all users of the service. The biggest change? The fact that users will now have to display their full name rather than a first name with last initial. This change will occur at the end of January and was released in conjunction […]

I believe display advertising is actually in its infancy. There are powerful dynamic variables at work that are creating major challenges for the advertising technology industry at large. Depending on the vendor, its technology stack and its level of commitment to legacy beliefs, this is either a problem that is of concern or the opportunity […]

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