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Marketing Day: December 3, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

In today’s 2012 Social Media Report from Nielsen, one thing was clear — social media usage shows no signs of slowing down. The biggest boon to the continued growth has undoubtedly been smartphones and mobile apps. In July of 2012, users averaged 88.48 minutes, a number that jumped 58% to 121.18 minutes in July of 2012. While […]

Back in May, I wrote a blog post documenting the top 10 alternatives to “Last Touch” attribution. Last touch is the common practice of awarding credit for an online conversion to the last advertising vendor to put an impression in front of a user before that user returns to a website and converts. This methodology […]

What exactly is Google doing with BufferBox? On Friday we found out that Google had acquired one of its own Google Ventures investments; however the acquisition price for the Ontario-Canada based startup wasn’t disclosed. It couldn’t have been that much given that the company was at a relatively early stage and only operating in the […]

Sometimes the difference between just OK and truly remarkable is really, really small. Like the mint on your pillow at a great hotel or the smiley face your friendly waitress draws on your receipt; little things can make a big difference. The same is true in social media as well. The more that social media […]

Time is running out! Marketing Land’s SMX Social Media Marketing is this Wednesday and Thursday in Las Vegas. Register now! Attend SMX Social Media Marketing and you’ll get proven tactics to increase engagement with current followers, introduce your brand to new people, optimize your paid campaigns, boost SERPs and drive sales/conversions. Conference chairs Danny Sullivan […]

Yahoo is planning to appeal a $2.7 billion judgment against it in a lawsuit over a yellow pages listings service in Mexico. The company announced the judgment and its plan to appeal in a short news release this afternoon. Details about the case are vague. Yahoo’s statement says that a company called Worldwide Directories S.A. […]

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