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Marketing Day: December 27, 2011

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Still showing everyone the same version of your web site? All visitors are not the same. Some are new. Some are on tablets. Some might be near your bricks-and-mortar stores. So why not target them in more appropriate ways? The infographic below from from the folks at Monetate gives an example of how a fictional web […]

Over the holiday break, Google did some serious traditional TV advertising to help promote Google+. CNet said this showed how desperate Google is to get people onto their social network – that they would go this far to promote the social networking site. As Steven Levy writes, despite Google using traditional advertising means, they still […]

Its been a busy year for StumbleUpon. 2011 brought about a new logo, site and channels to StumbleUpon. It also brought a great deal of stumbles and user searches which they shared with us in their “2011 in Stumbles” post. The graphic below shows some monumental current events that have impacted the way users Stumbled in 2011 (including […]

There may be no area in interactive marketing that’s moving as quickly as Social Media Marketing. Facebook seems to launch new functionality and interfaces every couple of weeks, and niche social networks like Pinterest seemingly spring to prominence out of nowhere. To get a sense of where we are and where social media is heading […]

As we toast the New Year, we shouldn’t pat ourselves on the back when it comes to making smart marketing decisions based on data in the display marketplace. In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that much of the industry has focused on unsustainable business models, some risking their brands for short-term payoffs. On […]

Here’s irony. Apple has been airing a nice TV ad showing Santa being helped on his Christmas Eve journey with the use of Siri. But while Siri can locate where Santa Claus needs to go, it can’t help you find Santa. I noticed this when doing my annual round-up of Santa tracking tools. For fun, […]

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