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Marketing Day: December 26, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

If you wondered whether Instagram’s apology and revised new terms of service mollified all of the user anger out there, the answer is no. And at least one user, San Diego resident Lucy Funes, and her attorneys have filed suit, seeking class action status for their complaint. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court […]

If you plan on indulging heavily in bubbly and booze this New Year’s Eve, Facebook can help. “Midnight Message” delivery not exists that allows users to create a message anytime that will be at midnight on New Year’s Eve, no sobriety required. In order to partake in the Midnight Messaging, users must allow access to the Facebook […]

Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, wasn’t happy when a private photo she shared on Facebook when public. Unhappy to the point of chastising people in general that digital etiquette is “not about privacy settings” but “human decency.” Actually, it’s a lot about privacy settings, and even Facebook’s improved systems makes this hard. […]

The concept of responsive email has entered into the industry consciousness, though the actual deployment is still far from common. Still, enough senders are experimenting with the technique, and we’re beginning to see patterns in layouts and organization. Any examination of responsive layout patterns must first point to the work of Luke Wroblewski. Wroblewski has […]

Does your organization have a content marketing department? If not, you’re hardly alone. While commitment to and investment in content marketing is skyrocketing year over year, there are far from hard and fast rules, and only barely emerging best practices, regarding how content fits into existing marketing functions. Content generally doesn’t exist as a department […]

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