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Marketing Day: December 24, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Formerly partners, both Google and NORAD are going head-to-head this year in Santa tracking. Already, people are wondering. Why are they showing Santa in different locations at the same time? What’s up with Google showing fewer presents delivered than NORAD displays. Relax kids (or parents of kids). I have answers. I don’t have official answers. […]

It’s been an explosive year for the ad industry, particularly in the online sector. From ad targeting’s important role in the presidential election, to Facebook’s recent IPO, online advertising is continuing to grow and evolve in our ever-expanding digital world. As 2012 winds down and we head into the New Year, I have included a […]

I’ve been thinking a lot about empathy lately. Maybe you have, too. By its very definition, empathy involves connecting with others to understand how they feel. And we’ve never been more connected. With Skype and Hangouts, social media and instant messaging, friends and family are never far away. Making a new connection is as easy […]

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Google’s Motorola unit is hard at work on a secret “X-phone” that will “provide more potent competition for devices like Apple Inc.’s iPhone.” However my suspicion is that the phone is less about competiting with Apple’s device and more about providing a counterweight to the Samdroid juggernaut. This is what […]

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