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Marketing Day: December 21, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Quora has big plans for 2013 that will include the site expanding beyond its Q&A format with new products and/or features that might take on Wikipedia, and perhaps even Google. Co-founder Adam D’Angelo shared the company’s mission in a blog post late last night, and promised that Quora will expand in order to meet its […]

This week in marketing was dominated by news from Facebook and Twitter. I don’t know, I must have missed the memo about Facebook establishing an ‘awful ideas’ department. So while Facebook wore the mint shoes Twitter continued to forge ahead. They weren’t the only heavyweights in the news. Both Oracle and WPP make serious acquisitions that […]

Once upon a time the comScore “top 50″ sites release was an exciting revelation of gainers and losers in the relatively new internet derby. Now it has become very routine and, frankly, a little boring. Yesterday the measurement firm released the top 50 US site rankings for November. Rather than just say “here it is,” […]

Just two days after a social media storm erupted over Instagram’s proposed new terms of service, the Facebook-owned company — as promised — has come up with revisions, in an effort to “communicate our intentions clearly.” Rather than say the company’s plans themselves led to the controversy, co-founder Kevin Systrom has painted it all as […]

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