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Marketing Day: December 19, 2011

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Quora took a big step beyond being a a question-and-answer site with today’s announcement of a new product called Boards. It opens the door for Quora users to post and share information outside of the standard Q&A format. As Quora’s Adam D’Angelo explains in today’s announcement, Boards was driven by the way people consume information […]

As part of a look back at 2011 Google has identified what it considers to be the most significant trends in mobile. I’ve paraphrased, embellished and edited the Google list and added some additional thoughts. Many of these developments will continue their momentum into 2012. (Some of the data have been previously released.) Mainstreaming of […]

Today Google announced several Google+ features that will affect profiles, pages and notifications. These features will be rolling out over the next few days, just in time for the holidays! Here’s a look at the main enhancements included in this update: Volume Control In Stream One of the main gripes that users complained about on […]

It’s the oldest format in online advertising, but it’s not stodgy by any stretch. Display Advertising is still changing rapidly as new technologies and innovations come along and are put to the test. That may be why display been gaining as a percentage of overall online advertising revenues, commanding 37% of the total dollars in […]

In many instances, a company-created online social community for current and potential customers is a recipe for disaster. For instance, here is a good four-part series outlining the many reasons online communities fail by Joshua Paul. However, in certain circumstances, a company-created online social community can be a positive resource and provide both customers and […]

The newest iteration of Facebook Ads, sponsored stories, has got the popular social network into hot water in California. A California based lawsuit was brought against Facebook stating that sponsored stories violate state law and are fraudulent. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh rejected Facebook’s bid to dismiss this lawsuit stating: Plaintiffs have articulated a coherent theory […]

On Twitter, they don’t understand Klout. They also don’t understand Klout on Google+. And they don’t understand Klout on Tumblr. That seems to be a common thing: If you’re not angry at Klout for changing the scoring model in late October, you might be telling people to stop caring about their Klout scores. And if […]

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  1. Facebook updates its iPhone app; delivers Timeline, Friend Lists and more,

  2. 1 in 3 Consumers Would Never Purchase Products Via Facebook,

  3. 10 Tips on Using Twitter Wisely, Read/Write Web

  4. 17 Styles of Twitter Updates for Online Retailers,

  5. 5 Tumblr Tips For Microblogging Success,

  6. Circles Volume Slider Differentiates Google+ As The Social MacroNetwork, TechCrunch

  7. Delicious Turns Sour,

  8. Friends & Frenemies: Why We Add and Remove Facebook Friends,

  9. Hate Facebook? 3 Glaring Reasons Not To Expose Your Community,

  10. Instagram on Track to Oust Foursquare as Biggest Mobile Social Network, Read/Write Web

  11. U.S. military, Taliban use Twitter to wage war, Washington Post

  12. Warm Spam: The Worst Social Media Recipe, Ever.,

  13. What Google+ needs next: A filter API, GigaOM

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