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Marketing Day: December 17, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Not every local business has a Facebook page, but they all have a new reason to get one: Facebook has announced a new version of Facebook Nearby that turns it into a local business search engine. The Nearby tab on Facebook’s iOS and Android apps will still show your friends’ local activity, but it now […]

This is a coup for Twitter: The company is partnering with Nielsen to become the first arbiter of the most socially successful U.S. TV programs. The companies have a new multi-year agreement to create the “Nielsen Twitter TV Rating,” a measurement that Nielsen says will serve as a complement to its existing TV ratings. While […]

Mark Zuckerberg initiated Facebook’s purchase of Instagram back in April of this year. Today, Instagram officially “friend-ed” Facebook in its privacy policy. The new updated privacy policy will allow the two social networks to share information between the two groups. These changes will take effect on January 2013 and will allow Instagram to “share user content and your information” including […]

If you haven’t married your AdWords account with your Analytics account, now is a good time to take that step forward. Otherwise, you are missing out on data that you can only get with true integration. Google is constantly upgrading Analytics and adding new features for AdWords. Some of most recent upgrades include a new […]

We all know that content on websites is important, but what about content on social media sites? There are countless companies that have amazing, well-written websites, but when it comes to content strategy on social media… they fall a bit short. Simply posting the link and letting the link preview on Facebook do all the […]

Optimize your paid search, SEO and internet marketing campaigns. Attend SMX West in San Jose, CA March 11-13. Register before Super Early Bird rates expire this Friday, December 21. Build your own program by selecting from any of the 50+ tactical sessions including: Essential SEO Analytics: The Performance Metrics That Truly Count Converting The Mobile […]

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