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Marketing Day: December 14, 2011

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

As expected, Google has officially launched a new “check-in offers” product that connects its Google+ social network with business listings in Google Maps/Places. Mike Blumenthal first reported the check-in offers launch earlier today. A Google Places help page explains how the program connects Google Places with Google+: If your customers have to visit your locations […]

Another promising Facebook test has been uncovered, this time around the always hot-topic: coupons. While Facebook currently has check-in deals for local businesses, no functionality exists to offer discounts and savings to non-local users. Screen shots have surfaced showing how these coupons may integrate into the current Facebook environment: One of most interesting ele1ments to the new coupon […]

An opt-in email list is precious commodity for marketers. By virtue of having explicitly opted in, recipients of a digitally-delivered newsletter are among the likeliest group to fulfill a goal on your website, and emails sent to subscribers typically result in a high number of conversions. Yet fewer companies than one would expect undertake efforts […]

Square, the mobile payment processing service founded by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, has passed the one million merchant mark. Square launched in early 2010 and offers merchants free hardware that allows them to accept payments on iPhones, iPads and Android devices. Square currently charges merchants 2.75% per transaction. Dorsey announced the milestone Tuesday via his Twitter […]

Fifty-two percent of all sharing online happens on Facebook, about four times more than Twitter’s 13.5 percent. And Google +1 sharing “has plateaued.” That’s according to sharing platform AddThis, which shared its 2011 Sharing Trends today. The numbers are interesting. Facebook, as you’d expect, owns the lion’s share of sharing with 52.1 percent. Twitter represents […]

Having the top Microsoft executive keynote the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is an annual tradition. For Google, its top executives hardly seem to speak. That’s changing this year, as Google chairman Eric Schmidt will be appearing at CES, at least on a panel. Schmidt Talks Consumer Electronics We just got word from Google […]

Facebook is planning to launch its first mobile advertising program within the next few months, according to a Bloomberg report today. Bloomberg cites two sources “with knowledge of the matter.” According to the report, Facebook’s initial mobile ad program will center on Sponsored Stories: An idea being considered is putting Facebook’s Sponsored Stories ads, which […]

If you’ve been considering building a branded app as part of your mobile marketing strategy, a new study provides some ammunition in favor of the move. Researchers at Indiana University and Murdoch University in Australia found that mobile apps had a positive impact on brand favorability and purchase intent. Study participants were asked to rate […]

A “7-minute survey” released by Google polls users for their thoughts on the social network and asks some odd exam-like questions about the site’s funcationality. When running through the survey, it seemed that Google was quite concerned with two things: if users understood the privacy aspects of Google+, and if users understood how exactly Google+ […]

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  5. Automating Twitter Content by Ralph Tegtmeier aka @fantomaster,

  6. Facebook Ticker Vanishes Due To Inactivity And Bugs,

  7. Google+ Hangouts: going beyond the status update, Official Google Blog

  8. How to Get Your Messages Retweeted,

  9.’s Discover Site – Just the Tip of the Iceberg,

  10. Let’s Fly: Mobile, Official Twitter Blog

  11. Should Local Small Business Give Social Media the Cold Shoulder?,

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