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Marketing Day: December 1, 2011

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Today Twitter quietly released a self-serve ad platform to a small group of advertisers. Previously either a direct sales team (larger accounts) or inside sales team (smaller accounts) were required to advertise on any of their products. Current Twitter ads include Promoted Accounts, Promoted Tweets and Promoted Trends. This service is a long-time coming for Twitter as they […]

The Google+ vs Facebook competition keeps getting fiercer. Yesterday Facebook announced that the post character limit would increase by 1100% to more than 60,000 characters. Why “more than” 60,000 you may ask? Facebook software engineer Bob Baldwin explains: I set the exact limit to something nerdy. Facebook … Face Boo K … hex(FACE) – K … […]

A little over two months ago at f8, Mark Zuckerburg announced new Open Graph features that were created to make reading article more social. Some early adoption and usage results from the initial media partners are in. Facebook reports that the results are encouraging for both existing websites and Facebook apps. Here are some quick […]

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser is still the most popular in the world, but a new number two has emerged: Google Chrome. According to StatCounter, Chrome now commands a fraction of a percentage point more share than Firefox on a global basis. In the US however, Firefox is still ahead of Chrome: 20 percent to 17.3 […]

U.S. Internet ad revenues in the third quarter grew 22% over the same period in 2010, rising to $7.88 billion, according to the latest report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC). The figures even showed a 2.7% rise over the second quarter of 2011, which was itself a record-setting period, according […]

Social media marketing is being used by tech marketers at a much higher rate than mobile marketing, according to a new study from IDG Research Services. But though it’s behind, mobile marketing is trending in the same way that social media has already, the survey suggests. Social media adoption overall is at a whopping 95% […]

Yes, buzz about Black Friday and Cyber Monday was higher than ever. But people was shared via Twitter on Black Friday differed from Cyber Monday. Friday was about pictures, news and deals. Monday was about deals, especially deals at Amazon, then news. The people at NM Incite have prepared some charts that cover this sharing. […]

Google’s known for its special logos — called Doodles – for holidays and famous anniversaries. Now Google offers a way to get them printed on everything from t-shirts to mugs and more. I stumbled across the Doodles On Demand site yesterday. It seemed new, and Google confirmed that it is. The company told me it went up […]

Welcome to the Marketing Land beta! We’re excited to get going with our new site. Here’s what to expect during our beta test period and beyond that, when we launch formally on December 11. Marketing Land is being produced by the same team behind Search Engine Land. Whereas Search Engine Land focuses on news and […]

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