Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Survata offers first online surveys targeted at second- and third-party user segments May 27, 2016 by Barry Levine The questionnaires, which can include a pretesting of ads, are delivered to the same segments the ads will later target.
How to deliver a true cross-channel experience May 27, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Regardless of channel, consumers and prospects have more refined appetites for marketing and higher expectations. They expect and desire more than a generic product experience — they want to feel an affinity for their investment and attraction to a brand.
The future of voice-related SEO for local business May 27, 2016 by Chris Marentis Google’s recent developer event revealed details about how the search giant is thinking about the future. Columnist Chris Marentis shares tips on how local businesses can learn how to be found in the environment that’s taking shape.
The 5 strangest search terms in 2,000+ AdWords accounts May 27, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard Contributor Jacob Baadsgaard shares cautionary tales of AdWords bidding gone terribly, terribly wrong.
Well played, Google: Advertisers (finally) get more device bidding controls May 27, 2016 by Andy Taylor The most widely disparaged aspect of Advanced Campaigns is eliminated at last. Contributor Andy Taylor extols the change, explains what it means for marketers and makes a couple of suggestions for further improvement.
Android users open 2x more notifications, but iOS users much faster to open — [Report] May 27, 2016 by Greg Sterling Leanplum attributes these findings largely to the different ways the platforms treat and present push notifications.
New Twitter features can boost brand engagement May 27, 2016 by Maggie Malek On the heels of Twitter’s announcement that it’s easing up on its character limit, columnist Maggie Malek has some advice for brands on how to plan for the social network’s new features.
What marketers need to know about the rate of technology obsolescence May 27, 2016 by Lewis Gersh With marketing innovation happening at a meteoric pace, how do you keep up? Columnist Lewis Gersh has some tips on how to spot the latest trends and stay ahead of the curve.
Pew Research: 62 percent of US adults get news from social media May 27, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg More than half of US adults are consuming news via social media, but there are missed opportunities and surprising statistics that show some interesting data across the various networks.
Stop fearing failure and be brave in your content marketing program May 27, 2016 by Rachel Lindteigen Failure isn’t always a bad thing. Columnist Rachel Lindteigen says that by looking at what didn’t work, you can learn more about your customers and gain a better perspective for future content.
Facebook expands Audience Network reach beyond just its users — to everyone May 27, 2016 by Greg Sterling All people on Audience Network mobile sites and apps can now be targeted using familiar Facebook parameters.
Google wins its Java case against Oracle (again), saves billions in fees — for now May 26, 2016 by Greg Sterling The jury agreed that Google’s use of Java APIs was “Fair Use” under copyright law.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Feed Predictive Analytics a United Data Diet, www.cmswire.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Ways to Use Your Smartphone to Build a Better Blog, www.blogherald.com
50 Essential WordPress Plugins Every Blogger Should Know, www.wpexplorer.com
How To Get Your Blog In Shape For Summer, heidicohen.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
7 Content Marketing Tools You Need To Be Successful, www.jeffbullas.com
Ask a Content Guy: What Content Metrics Really Matter?, contently.com
Do People Read Long Articles on Their Smartphones?, www.marketingprofs.com
Facebook Users Prefer to Share Funny, Inspiring Content, www.adweek.com
How to Tell Your Brand�s Story From the Inside Out, www.searchenginejournal.com
Marketer’s Guide to Helpful Content Optimization Tools, www.ducttapemarketing.com
The Power of Visual Storytelling, www.martechadvisor.com
The radical NoMQL movement in content marketing, chiefmartec.com
Conversion Optimization
Landing Page Optimization Case Studies to Read Now, www.searchenginejournal.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
5 Basics to Make a Website Accessible, www.practicalecommerce.com
Easy Guide to Creating an Awesome “About Us” Page, www.wordstream.com
Affluent Chinese web shoppers love foreign brands, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon puts Alexa in the browser with Echoism.io, techcrunch.com
How Do Consumers Feel About the Sharing Economy?, www.emarketer.com
How Maurices Increased ROI by the Strategic Use of Omni-channel Marketing, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
General Internet Marketing
Monetization Options That Digital Marketers Need to Know About, www.marketingprofs.com
Who Doesn’t Believe Offline and Online Marketing Are Merging?, www.convinceandconvert.com
Why Brands Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Get Emotional, www.convinceandconvert.com
Why Improv Comedy Is the Next Big Marketing Trend, contently.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Actûrus Launches Brandvantage, a Breakthrough in Brand Equity, www.prweb.com
Vision Critical delivers Stories, making customer intelligence more valuable by placing it in context, www.visioncritical.com
LiveRamp Extends Data Connectivity Partnership with Google, www.businesswire.com
Tapjoy and IronSource to offer monetization services to mobile game and app devs, venturebeat.com
A Look At The Modern WordPress Server Stack, www.smashingmagazine.com
Love Marketing Technology. Buying It? Not So Much, www.cmswire.com
Motion AI lets anyone easily build a bot, venturebeat.com
TAG Sets Inventory Quality Guidelines, Trains 20+ Ad-Tech Cos. To Comply, www.mediapost.com
These 2 Tech Companies Are Combining Market Research With Programmatic Ads, www.adweek.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Reputation Management
How a Simple Story Can Help You Win Your Prospect’s Trust, www.marketingprofs.com
Social Media
Facebook Beacons. What the *$!@? 8 Resources for Proximity-Based Marketing, www.aimclearblog.com
How Pets Create Winning Content for Brands on Instagram, www.newswhip.com
How to Drive B2B Pipeline with Social Ads, blog.adstage.io
Instagram Algorithm: How Marketers Should Alter Their Strategy, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instant Articles: More Friend Than Foe For Publishers, adexchanger.com
Less Engagement For Links On Facebook, www.newswhip.com
Twitter tunes into Spotify to soundtrack its audio cards, techcrunch.com
What Twitter Trolls Can Teach You About Your Brand, simplymeasured.com
What’s New on Facebook for Business this Month, www.facebook.com
Which Agency Should Manage a Brand’s Social Media Programs?, adage.com