Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
5 common digital marketing mistakes (and how to fix them) May 23, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Despite a wealth of experience, marketers still make many digital marketing and optimization mistakes.
Adobe takes the first steps to bring its Marketing Cloud into virtual reality May 23, 2016 by Barry Levine The company adds support for analytics, several VR formats and various ad types.
Chewbacca Mask viral video drives sales for Kohl’s, others May 23, 2016 by Matt McGee Viral Chewbacca mask sells out on Kohls.com and other major websites, while Amazon third-party sellers hope to profit with huge markups.
Don’t miss out saving $200 on SocialPro. Rates go up this Saturday! May 23, 2016 by Marketing Land Start off your Memorial Day weekend right by locking in low rates for SocialPro. Excited to find out more? Keep reading to find out the cutting-edge tactics, quality content and networking that are in store for you. Then register now to save $200 off conference passes!
[WATCH] ML Live #14: Google Home vs. Amazon Echo, Google I/O recap & more May 23, 2016 by Matt McGee In the latest Marketing Land Live, we recap all the news from Google I/O, including a discussion on the merits of Google Home vs. Amazon Echo.
What marketers need to know about Google assistant and Google Home May 23, 2016 by Joe Youngblood Voice search is growing, and Google is investing heavily in products that utilize this technology. Contributor Joe Youngblood discusses these products and their implications for marketers.
4 effective local positioning strategies you’re overlooking May 23, 2016 by Lydia Jorden Local search columnist Lydia Jorden explores four ideas that, when utilized, can have a major impact on local SEO success.
How to write a digital data & analytics RFP May 23, 2016 by David Booth Writing a request for proposal can be a daunting task. But columnist David Booth has some guidelines for your digital data & analytics RFP process to help you get what’s best for you and your organization.
The complete guide to mastering conversion optimization May 23, 2016 by Stoney deGeyter How do you turn traffic into converting customers? Columnist Stoney deGeyter outlines how you can improve your visitors’ experience both before and after they arrive on your site.
It’s time to get personal with email May 23, 2016 by Michael Litt How do you improve your open and click rates? Columnist Michael Litt explains why personalization and video are a winning combination for your email marketing strategy.
ROI beyond likes and shares: 5 ways calls validate social ad spending May 23, 2016 by Andrew Osmak How do you accurately determine your social ad spend ROI? Columnist Andrew Osmak discusses the benefits of using call tracking to measure your success.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
A Marriage in Marketing: Content and Affiliate, blog.cj.com
When Affiliate Marketing Goes Bad, 3qdigital.com
Business Issues
Why Google beat Yahoo in the war for the Internet, techcrunch.com
Content Marketing
3 Strategies to Get a Reaction From Your Audience, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Does Censorship Kill the Appeal of User-Generated Content?, contently.com
How to Write Engaging Content About Boring Subject Matter, www.problogger.net
Poor Content Marketing Turns Nonprofit Donors Off, www.emarketer.com
The Secret to Doing Real-Time Content Marketing Well: Catch Opportunity When it Falls in Your Lap, mackcollier.com
Webinars and Videos: Overlooked Tools that Can Actually Bolster Content Marketing Effort, www.martechadvisor.com
Why consumer generated content could be a boon for brands, www.retaildive.com
Conversion Optimization
How Much of a Role Does Trust Play on Conversion Rates?, blog.kissmetrics.com
How to Overcome the Challenge of Analyzing A/B Test Results, www.martechadvisor.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
3 reasons why you should continuously conduct user research, www.usertesting.com
DX Leaders: ‘Bring Human Emotion to Customer Experience Design’, www.cmswire.com
How Are Marketers Benefiting from Improved Customer Experiences?, www.emarketer.com
Improve Your Designs With The Principles Of Continuation And Common Fate, www.smashingmagazine.com
Marketers’ 10 Most Common Copyright Questions… Answered!, www.marketingprofs.com
Stop overthinking UX and try the coffee shop test, venturebeat.com
5 Ways to Draw Shoppers In, and Keep Them, www.practicalecommerce.com
Amazon stopped giving refunds when an item’s price drops after you purchase it, www.recode.net
Bots: marketing opportunity or #RetailFail?, www.internetretailer.com
How online marketplaces have become the shopping mall of the future, www.internetretailer.com
How to compete with Amazon in price and still make a profit, www.internetretailer.com
My Favorite CRO Hacks for Ecommerce Sites, blog.crazyegg.com
Now you can build your own Amazon Echo or Google Home – and the companies couldn’t be happier, qz.com
Smart Mobile Shopping Starts With User Experience, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
3 Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List Online, blogs.constantcontact.com
7 essential tips & tricks for winning the inbox, myemma.com
General Internet Marketing
6 Reasons Influencer Marketing is Beneficial, www.searchenginejournal.com
8 Concepts Every Digital Marketer Should Understand, www.toprankblog.com
ANA report on ad agency transparency: set to be explosive, Business Insider
CMOs on Mobile Data, Audiences, and Ads, www.tune.com
5 Marketing Technology Trends on the Horizon, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 mobile marketing takeaways from Google I/O, blog.operamediaworks.com
5 Dos and Don’ts of Mobile Marketing Automation, www.martechadvisor.com
Do not get stuck in mobile limbo, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Google plans to bring password-free logins to Android apps by year-end, techcrunch.com
If you’re treating mobile as a ‘channel,’ you’re getting it all wrong, venturebeat.com
This is the start of the post-app era, venturebeat.com
What Quartz’s App Says About The Future Of Mobile Publishing, adexchanger.com
Why Location Was a Dominant Theme at This Year’s Google I/O, streetfightmag.com
Reputation Management
Consumers Think Local Businesses Need Better Online Presence, smallbiztrends.com
When to trademark your tech name, venturebeat.com
Social Media
10 Tips and Strategies for a Better Facebook Marketing Campaign, www.problogger.net
12 Ways Facebook Can Utilize Emotional Data From Reactions, www.searchenginejournal.com
25 Ways to Blow Up Your Pinterest (And One Big Mistake), ignitevisibility.com
7 Awesome Facebook Ad Examples, www.wordstream.com
How Brands Can Benefit in the Snapchat Scene, contentmarketinginstitute.com
How Brands Can Build a Passionate Facebook Community, www.newswhip.com
How to Improve Your Facebook Ad Performance, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Instagram’s code hints at option to pay to boost posts, techcrunch.com
Snapchat Daily Video Views Have Skyrocketed, smallbiztrends.com
Snapchat plans Discover page redesign for early June, venturebeat.com
Social Media Network Timelines: Why Do Social Networks Keep Monkeying With Them?, www.stonetemple.com
Some Snapchat users aren’t happy about X-Men’s lenses takeover, digiday.com
These 5 Startups Used Snapchat To Boost Their Brand (And So Can You), www.fastcompany.com
TV Budgets Shifting to Social? Yes, It’s Time to Worry, adage.com
With Twitter’s NFL deal, social networks can take on traditional broadcasters at last, techcrunch.com
29 Big Video Marketing Statistics for Media Brands, www.reelseo.com
Facebook buys VR audio company Two Big Ears, debuts ‘Facebook 360 Spatial Workstation’, VentureBeat
Facebook Live lets you skip to the good part, techcrunch.com
Facebook Video and Facebook Live: The Future for Marketers, www.adweek.com
How Google’s Daydream mobile VR system will work, venturebeat.com
Video Ad Spending on Social Platforms Is Rising Fast, www.emarketer.com
Virtual reality: Three more brands dipping their toes in, econsultancy.com
Why the Virtual-Reality Hype is About to Come Crashing Down, www.wsj.com