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Marketing Day: Bitly Compromised, Pinterest Gets A TV Show & Mobile Email Opens At 66%

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Bitly Warns About Compromised Accounts, Disconnects Facebook & Twitter For All Users Bitly, a popular link shortener used by many in the marketing industry, issued a warning late Thursday that accounts may have been compromised. The company has taken steps to minimize any damage, and is asking users to reset accounts for added security. In its announcement, Bitly says that there’s no indication that any accounts have […]

  2. GE Beautifully Connects Its Technology With Humanity GE has always done a great job bringing personality to its technology by showing how it affects the lives of those who depend on it. A new series of videos from BBDO New York shares how the brand’s technology makes things possible. In one video, Kumiko’s First Ultrasound, we learn the story of a Japanese […]

  3. Pinterest To Be Featured In A+E Network’s Upcoming Home Decorating Show “We’re Moving In” FYI, a production company and division of A+E Networks, announced it is launching a new home decorating television series that will integrate creative ideas from Pinterest. The show’s working title is “We’re Moving In” and will focus on the challenges of blending decorating styles when people decide to move in together. According to the A+E […]

  4. What Will Yahoo Buy With Its Alibaba Billions? When Chinese e-commerce powerhouse Alibaba goes public in what is likely to become the biggest internet IPO ever, Yahoo will reap a massive cash windfall. The company is required to sell half its remaining roughly 23 percent of Alibaba. Yahoo bought a 40 percent stake in Alibaba in 2005. The company was then worth $2.5 billion. […]

  5. Mobile Devices Drive 66 Percent Of Email Opens — Report According to Movable Ink’s Q1 2014 US Consumer Device Preference Report email opens continue to migrate away from the desktop, which now represents a minority of all email opens. In addition, the tablet share of email opens continues to grow. Movable Ink said that 66 percent of emails were opened on either a smartphone (47.2 percent) or tablet (18.5 […]

  6. Audience Modeling & Customer Lifetime Value 101 Customer lifetime value (CLV) is at the core of all of our advertising efforts. Being able to distinguish between good customers and bad customers (and all the grey in between) is what enables marketers to build scalable programs without being limited to a direct response. A good CLV model highlights the good and the bad, […]

  7. Omnicom & Publicis Merger Dead: CEOs Blame Differences In Opinions & Cultures Reuters reported this morning that the merger between Omnicom and Publicis is off the table. Originally announced in July, the Omnicom-Publicis deal would have resulted in the largest advertising agency in the world, with Publicis CEO Maurice Levy claiming at the time, “This is a new company for a new world.” Apparently neither of the […]

  8. Conversion Optimization: Measuring Usability In The User Experience (UX) – Part 2 Many online marketers dismiss usability as a critical part of the user experience. A delightful experience requires effective and efficient goal attainment. A delightful experience also occurs on websites that are easy to use and easy to remember. As I’ve mentioned previously, usability should take into account the following 6 elements: Effectiveness: Can users achieve […]

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