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Marketing Day: Bing’s deal with CBS Interactive, HotelTonight’s CMO & Allo news

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Bing adds CBS Interactive to roster of syndication partners Sep 21, 2016 by Ginny Marvin The deal will extend the mobile reach of the Bing Network, including Bing Ads.

  2. Which social marketing tools support Twitter’s expanded tweets Sep 21, 2016 by Tim Peterson Some social marketing management platforms fully support Twitter’s expanded tweets, while others are working on updating their software.

  3. What Netflix can teach us about long-tail keyword research Sep 21, 2016 by Ryan Shelley Columnist Ryan Shelley believes that good long-tail keyword targeting is all about knowing your audience — something Netflix excels at.

  4. The junior data scientist’s guide to AdWords search campaign structure: how to mine hidden gems for huge wins Sep 21, 2016 by Todd Saunders In this helpful how-to, columnist Todd Saunders explains how to structure your AdWords account so as to glean useful insights about your target audience.

  5. HotelTonight CMO aims to tell the brand’s story without losing its spontaneous soul Sep 21, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Get to Know: HotelTonight CMO Ray Elias

  6. Facebook wants to show brands how its ads measure up against TV, others Sep 21, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook’s latest measurement news explained using sports analogies.

  7. Allo: chat with a big helping of Google search Sep 21, 2016 by Greg Sterling Inclusion of ‘Google Assistant’ creates a differentiated experience.

  8. 7 advanced conversion strategies you probably don’t know Sep 21, 2016 by John Lincoln Looking to kick your conversion rate optimization up a notch? Contributor John Lincoln shares seven CRO strategies that will help you increase your sales.

  9. The high price of inflated marketing metrics Sep 21, 2016 by Matt Nitzberg Relying on inflated numbers can lead you down a slippery slope. Columnist Matt Nitzberg outlines some strategies to help marketers focus on more valuable audience and sales metrics.

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  10. Twitter to live stream U.S. Presidential debates via Bloomberg partnership,

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