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Marketing Day: Bieber Endorses Amazon, Retailers Prep For The Holidays & Twitter World Cup Numb

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Survey: Best Way To Reach Millennials Is On Social Media SDL a “customer experience” software and services provider has released results of multi-country survey of roughly 1,800 millennials (18 – 36). Not unlike other surveys the picture that emerges is of a highly mobile-centric audience that is willing to engage with marketers that earn their trust but are otherwise hard to reach. Most Millennials use […]

  2. Twitter Pushes Advertising Support Via Mobile App Notifications Twitter operators are standing by — to help you buy ads. John Doherty, online marketing manager of Zillow’s Hotpads rentals site, received a notification on his Twitter mobile app today with a strong call to action: Wow. Aggressive much, Twitter? — John Doherty (@dohertyjf) July 15, 2014 The notification’s message is similar to the […]

  3. David Letterman (Sort Of), Justin Bieber (Kinda), Renee Zellweger (Perhaps) Endorse Amazon (Advertising) In a brilliant celebration of mistaken identity, Amazon Advertising, a San Francisco-based ad agency with no affiliation to Amazon the online retail giant, has launched the Mistaken Identity Project, a social-focused, self-promotional campaign aimed at having a bit of fun with mistaken identity. Amazon Advertising began around the time the more familiar Amazon was launched. […]

  4. DoubleClick Gains Viewable Impression Reporting With Google’s Active View Solution Google received accreditation from the Media Rating Council (MRC) for its viewable impression measurement solution, Active View, last April. At the time, the company made clear it would be integrating viewabililty into its products for both publishers and advertisers. Last fall, Active View rolled out to the Google Display Network, allowing advertisers to buy ads […]

  5. Introducing “Holiday Retailer,” Preparing You For Black Friday, Cyber Monday & Beyond It may be sweltering out there, but if you aren’t thinking about turkeys, snowflakes and gift-giving, you may be falling behind already. That’s why, here at Marketing Land, we’re launching our Holiday Retailer section today, in July, to help you ensure you’re ready for that most important of shopping seasons. The foundation you lay right […]

  6. E-Commerce Holiday Preparation – Making A List (And Checking It Twice) Although it feels early to be talking about the holiday season, anyone in retail will tell you it’s impossible to be too prepared for the busiest season of all. In fact, it’s a good idea to start the holiday preparation now, as the most important items take the most time to get ready. Here are […]

  7. Twitter Puts A Hit On Companies Attempting To Provide User-Base Stats Fact: This year Twitter stock (TWTR) took a dive from nearly $70 a share down to just over $30 a share due in part to Q1 reports that the overall monthly users were slowing. According to Business Insider, Twitter has now begun shutting off data to companies that publish their own content on the size […]

  8. As A Marketing Exec, What Keeps You Up At Night? It’s been said that there are two types of people in the world: people who divide the world into two types of people and people who — don’t. As someone who likes to think she rejects all overgeneralization, I tend to think of myself as the latter. But, doing the division is sometimes a fun […]

  9. The Talent Land Grab For Technical Marketers: How To Win With the proliferation of technologies to support marketing, the application of growth hacking and agile methods by CMOs, the measurability of digital media, the general explosion of data, and the drive for greater ROI in marketing, a new breed of marketer has emerged: the marketing technologist. Marketing technologists apply smarts across technology, marketing, analytics, and […]

  10. Twitter Bets Big On World Cup, Scores With Engagement Records Like Germany’s national soccer team, Twitter entered the 2014 World Cup with the highest of expectations. Germany, extremely talented but searching for its first major title for 18 years, passed its test in the biggest way with a 1-0 victory over Argentina in Sunday’s championship match. Twitter? Not too shabby either, although the game is […]

  11. Study: Facebook Ads That Tell A Brand Story Beat Traditional Performance Ads What if, instead of focusing on getting the immediate conversion from key prospects, a social media ad campaign served a set of creatives sequentially to tell the brand story and lead viewers through the marketing funnel before going for the hard sell? A new study shows that a sequential story-telling social media ad campaign can […]

  12. Facebook Vs. YouTube: Which Site Has More U.S. Visitors? Measuring Internet traffic is a notoriously slippery science. So when I read a headline that YouTube has passed Facebook as the largest social network in the United States, I took it with a dose of skepticism. Then I checked it out. And while time didn’t permit a definitive study, I can report that the unique […]

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