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Marketing Day: August 9, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Shopping site TheFind is repositioning itself as a personalized, multiplatform shopping utility that does more than simply give consumers access to product information and prices. It’s now a dashboard for managing all e-commerce transactions in a single place, regardless of whether purchases were made through TheFind or on other sites. Shopping search has become something of a […]

Microsoft has taken another shot at Google today with the latest push in its ongoing “Scroogled” campaign. This one? Another attack on Gmail. Or, as Microsoft is calling it today, “Gspam.” That’s the term they’re using for those ads that look like emails in Gmail (which, last I recall hearing, was still a limited Google […]

The latest survey being sent to select Google Glass owners suggests that an official YouTube app may be coming soon. If so, it would join other official Google apps for Glass including Google+, Gmail and Google Now. I’m one of the Glass Explorers that’s received this latest survey invite. It’s somewhat similar to the survey […]

With a few exceptions, outside of the Super Bowl, most TV ads I see don’t take risks. That’s understandable. Targeting a mass audience, advertisers largely choose to play it safe. But YouTube is a playground where taking risks may draw in an audience. Ads become content, even ads about unlikely things like women having their […]

Every person on the planet has a mobile phone — or at least it seems that way. Therefore, it should not be a big surprise that when it comes to social media sharing of content, more people do so via their mobile devices than their computers, according to a recent study done by ShareThis. The […]

According to comScore’s estimates for Q2 2013, last quarter saw a 16 percent year-over-year growth in desktop-based retail e-commerce sales with $49.8 billion in spending. The earnings mark 15 consecutive quarters of positive year-over-year growth and eleven consecutive quarters of double-digit growth. “Increased spending growth for the quarter not only reflects the long term share […]

Twitter announced today that it has launched an analytics tool that measures the impact of Promoted and organic Tweets on offline CPG sales. Using the “offline sales impact” tool developed in conjunction with data analytics company Datalogix, Twitter measured organic and paid activity for 35 different CPG brands on the site, spanning a number of […]

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