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Marketing Day: August 8, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Thanks to Instagram’s rapid growth to over 80 million users, marketers are finally getting on board the social app. A recent study by social data & reporting company SimplyMeasured, shows that Instagram adoption is a growing trend. Of the top 100 brands, 40% are now on Instagram. The largest social sites that brands adopt are Facebeook […]

The industry’s quest for search advertising and next-gen digital technologies is endless. Though technology is undoubtedly important, too often, there’s not enough emphasis on the soft science aspects of closing the sale. This applies to everything from search technology to agency services. Take the sales letter, for example. Like many agencies; we get sales solicitations […]

Smartphones and tablets have both opened up new opportunities and made the world more complicated for marketers. Over the past two years, study after study has confirmed the importance of mobile and the improved performance metrics of mobile vs. PC advertising. Now, newer studies are starting to reveal more subtle insights into mobile consumer behavior. […]

The sad reality of Twitter is that the majority of users believe that a user’s number of Twitter followers is a metric of affluence. Of course, this perception as opened up a market of purchasing popularity, or buying Twitter followers. Presidential candidates, national journalists and TV stars have been accused of artificially inflating their follower counts through purchases. A new post from Barracuda Labs takes a look […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

  1. View-Through Attribution For The Search Marketer

  2. Search Engine Land’s SMX East Conference Comes to NYC Oct. 2-4

  3. Concepts Every B2B SEO Needs To Know In Today’s Internet Marketing Environment

  4. iOS Users To Get Enhanced Google Search App Ahead Of Most Android Users

  5. New: Gmail Results Embedded In Google Search Results

  6. Google’s Knowledge Graph Gains “Carousel,” Goes Worldwide In English

  7. Google: 100 Billion Searches Per Month, Search To Integrate Gmail, Launching Enhanced Search App For iOS

  8. Framing Landing Pages In The Bigger Picture

  9. Study Suggests Search Engines Not As Popular On Mobile Devices

  10. Google: Nearly 50 Percent Of Olympics-Related Searches Coming From Mobile Devices

  11. Video Content For Ecommerce Sites = Improved Search Results + Increased Sales

  12. Infographic: How To Rank For Your Name In Google (Hint: Use Social Media Sites)

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Business Issues

Content Marketing

Display & Contextual Advertising

General Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Industry

Local Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Social Media

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