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Marketing Day: August 7, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Did you hear the news? Hulu Plus made it to Apple TV last week. Did Hell freeze over? No. The freezing over of Hell still awaits the arrival of Hulu Plus on Google TV. The Promise I feel like I’m the last person in the world who still cares about Hulu Plus ever being offered […]

Content and advertising have always been either/or propositions in the context of traditional print and broadcast media. Advertising (paid media) exists in a clearly circumscribed periphery outside, or adjacent to, the main content (owned media), which is created by a publisher or broadcaster. Advertising is interruptive. It’s the price readers or viewers pay to get […]

Measurement firm comScore is launching a new tracking and metrics program for tablets. To publicize the new service comScore released some initial data, “based on a 3-month rolling sample of 6,000 US tablet owners.” Treating Kindle Fire as a distinct category, comScore created demographic profiles of each segment of tablet owners. While iPad ownership skews […]

A few years back, I wrote a column about a common worry people express when they use analytics to inform their optimization testing plans. Somehow they figure that the simpler tools on the market (such as Google’s free Content Experiments tool) won’t be able to handle their site. A more expensive tool, mistakenly, is assumed […]

It seems like the underlying social media chatter of the 2012 Olympics has revolved around NBC’s tape-delayed coverage. With the broadcasting giant saving the highest rated programming for primetime, many folks are downright outraged that they can’t watch live on their televisions. So just what effect has this had on the ratings and sentiment around the […]

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