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Marketing Day: August 30, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook May Expand Use Of Facial Recognition To Billion+ Public User Profile Pictures After Facebook announced updates to its Data Use Policy this week, Reuters is reporting that the social network is considering applying its facial recognition technology to user profile pictures, adding over a billion public profile photos to the site’s facial recognition database. According to Reuters, Facebook leverages the facial recognition technology for its “Tag Suggest” […]

  2. Who Needs Foursquare More: Google, Yahoo Or Microsoft? Bloomberg reported late yesterday that Microsoft and American Express are competing for an “equity stake” in Foursquare. Amex is something of a surprise here and could do some very interesting things with Foursquare beyond its previous experiments. Amex is also an interesting sales partner (potentially) for Foursquare as it tries to gain more small business […]

  3. Is Your Marketing Program Ready For Holiday? Q4 is closing in and retailers are bracing for yet another record-breaking onslaught of promotions, traffic, sales and revenue that will make or break the business calendar. With the end of back-to-school comes the inevitable code freezes and holiday lockdowns. So while production teams audit for site stability, scalability and vulnerability, there’s no better time […]

  4. Caught Redd-Handed: How Trying To Game Reddit Can Backfire For Brands If there is one thing as popular as narwhals or bacon on Reddit, it is the community rallying around those trying to infiltrate their system. As we’ve previously reported, Reddit does not like people who spam or who try to synthetically inflate their own articles. People haven’t learned this yet and over the past few […]

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