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Marketing Day: August 24, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

If you’ve been using DoubleClick AdPlanner to research anything other than sites on the Google Display Network, you’re about to be out of luck. Google this week has been sending out notices to AdPlanner users telling them of dramatic changes due to take effect September 5. Folks in the digital marketing space have grown accustomed […]

In a new report, market research firm eMarketer estimates that 88 percent of U.S. companies will be marketing on Facebook by 2014. That’s more than double the estimated 43 percent that were using Facebook in 2009, and would be up from the 83 percent that are estimated to be marketing on Facebook this year. (And […]

Our sister site, Digital Marketing Depot, will host two webcasts next week: On Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 1 PM, Matt booth of BIA/Kelsey and Jeff Braislin of the Marchex Institute will present “Uncover More Revenue with Mobile Advertising Using Call Tracking and Analytics,” a webcast that will help you generate more business (and revenue) from […]

Sometimes, it is the size of your hashtag that matters. In Seattle this week, the Space Needle launched a contest that will let one person place his/her own design atop the iconic structure for six months. And one of the ways the Needle is promoting the contest is with a Twitter campaign around the #topthis […]

The tech world is breathlessly waiting for the jury in the US federal district court trial (San Jose, CA) in Apple v. Samsung to deliver its verdict. My prediction: expect some sort of “split decision,” in which the jury finds Samsung liable on some but not all of Apple’s claims and awards some but not all the […]

With the recent mobile/tablet app additions and public opening of Pinterest, adoption rates within the marketing community are rising. A recent study by the Creative Group showed that 7% of marketers are currently using Pinterest in their marketing mix and that 10% of marketers are planning to. The survey was made up of marketing and advertising executives […]

When I first started in affiliate marketing, all I wanted was to just make money. Off I ran in every direction, trying everything, with no real idea of the mistakes I was making that could very well affect my chances at long term success. Through my years of experience with both affiliate marketing and teaching […]

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