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Marketing Day: August 15, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Is Barack Obama the most influential person on earth? What about The New York Times — is it the most influential brand in the world? I’m not going to debate those questions one way or another, but President Obama and the Times are the two big winners after Klout changed its influence-scoring algorithm this week. […]

Pinterest has become one of social media’s big boys over the past year with its surge in traffic (and the attendant growing pains) and big funding rounds, but it hasn’t had a mobile experience to complement or even aid in that growth. It does now. During its first summer party last night in San Francisco, […]

Email is seemingly tailor-made for collecting customer information. In a perfect program, collection begins at the point of sign up. Yet marketers know the fewer the questions asked, the more likely the customer is to opt-in. It’s a balancing act, though, because marketers also know that the more demographic data they can collect at that […]

Popular SEO community and tools provider SEOmoz has expanded their offerings today as they announced the acquisition of Portland based Twitter analytics company Followerwonk. The exact acquisition cost was not disclosed but Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz CEO, stated that the total deal value is:the total deal value is: “in the low 7 figures (between 1mm and 4mm) […]

Last December, Facebook began testing page post ads which would display ads directly in users news feeds. The posts look very organic, with the only discerning factor being a “sponsored” link in the corner. These ads would only be available to those users who were fans (liked a page), or friends of fans … until today. InsideFacebook […]

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