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Marketing Day: August 14, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

It turns out Sambreel, the notorious adware provider that everyone thought had been quashed is still going strong. The London-based Web traffic analysis firm,, has found Sambreel, operating under the guise of companies named Yontoo and Alactro, is injecting video and display ad slots into YouTube pages. In an analysis of over 1 billion video ad […]

It’s not unusual for people and companies to turn to social media in times of crisis, but the New York Times did so today with a twist. The paper’s website (and internal email system) was offline for a couple hours and, as you might expect, it turned to Twitter to let readers know about the […]

I wouldn’t call Microsoft and Google BFFs by any stretch of the imagination (ahem … cough), but the two companies have finally buried their differences over YouTube and Windows Phones. As CNET reports, an official YouTube app — created by Microsoft but built with Google’s blessing — is now available in the Windows Phone store. […]

It’s hard to get away from the terms “programmatic marketing” and “big data” these days. But what does today’s CMO really to need to know to be “in the know”? 1. What Big Data & Programmatic Marketing Actually Mean & What They Don’t For me, the concept of big data is the most misleading. Marketers […]

Who knows what is best for your customers? You or a computer algorithm? That is the question that big data has raised for many marketers. And like all great questions, the answer is, “It depends.” I’ve wrestled with the question for a while, because I appreciate both sides. There’s no doubt that tremendous value can […]

Facebook released new country-specific active user counts earlier today. It offered figures for the US and UK, saying that other countries would release them at their discretion. What these data show is that 79 percent of Facebook’s daily active users are mobile in the US, with 83 percent mobile in the UK. These are the […]

Today, Google launched DoubleClick Studio Layouts, a production tool designed to make building and publishing rich media and HTML5 ads easier. Layouts provide a pre-built shell that allows non-programmers to turn existing image and video assets into rich media ads. Users can also plug their assets into an HTML5 layout that renders across devices, without having […]

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