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Marketing Day: August 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google Analytics Opens Invitation To Beta Of The New Real-Time Reporting API Starting today, Google is inviting Google Analytics users to a closed beta of their newly released real-time reporting API. Opening a number of opportunities to take advantage of real-time analytics, the new API makes it possible for site owners to create queries around real-time data and use the information to benefit their website. Google offered […]

  2. Changes Afoot With Marketing Land & Search Engine Land Columns I’m pleased to announce that we’ve made some changes in our columns line-up to better showcase the great work contributed by our talented columnist-practitioners. The biggest change is that we’re moving some of our columns from Search Engine Land to Marketing Land, so we want to let you know where you’ll be able to find […]

  3. Facebook Turns On Secure Browsing, Aims To Preserve Referrer Status For Marketers All Facebook users are now connecting to the site via a secure connection. It’s a move that should mean better security for anyone visiting, but it could also pose problems for marketers and webmasters that want to know how much traffic they’re getting from the world’s biggest social network. Facebook announced the switch to […]

  4. Welcome Lauren Litwinka, New Community Editor & Congrats Monica Wright, New Director Of Audience Engagement Marketing Land keeps growing our staff! Today, we’re happy to announce that Lauren Litwinka is coming on as our new Community Editor while Monica Wright moves up into a new Director Of Audience Engagement position. Lauren will be directly interacting with our audience on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and many other places where Marketing Land […]

  5. Foursquare Makes Good On Promise To Sell Data For Retargeting Foursquare has joined the “big data” club, making good on an earlier promise to sell location and other user-behavior information to third parties. The company has said it wants to be “the location layer for the internet.” As reported yesterday in AdAge, Foursquare is now making customer data available to DSP Turn: As part of […]

  6. Omnicom + Publicis = Publico & Much Ado About Shareholder Equity? What’s The Real Impact? There’s never a dull moment in the advertising world. The proposed Omnicom and Publicis merger has everyone talking, but what (if anything) does this mean for the digital ad world? Who will be the winners and losers? What possible upside exists for the clients? Having had the pleasure of working within large and small agencies […]

  7. Pinterest “Turning Pinners Into Shoppers” With Price-Drop Alerts This morning, Pinterest introduced price-drop notifications on pinned items. The company will now send an email when prices on user-pinned items decline. Pinners will automatically get these price alerts without configuring anything. They’ll be grouped into a single email; however users can adjust settings to change their frequency. The new price-drop alerts build on the […]

  8. 4 Ways To Prepare For The Search, Social & Mobile Tipping Point According to the 2013 Internet Trends report released in May of 2013, mobile now accounts for 15% of all global Internet traffic and, with nearly 1.5 billion global smartphone subscribers and over 5 billion mobile phone users, learning about the way that people search, consume and share media across mobile devices is at the forefront of the search marketer’s agenda. […]

  9. How To Win (More) Friends & Influence People: 5 Questions With Smiirl CEO Gauthier Nadaud As more and more marketers take steps to integrate their social media efforts with in-store promotions, one company is helping businesses bring their Facebook popularity home. French startup Smiirl has designed a sleek Facebook fan counter called a Fliike that tabulates Facebook fans in real-time. Businesses can use the Fliike to show in-store traffic the […]

  10. Twitter’s Latest Updates To Ad Setup Process Lets Users Save Draft Campaigns Three years after launching their advertising platform, Twitter has announced new updates to their ad campaign setup process. Rolling out over the next few weeks, the updates will provide more information and visual aids, including a progress bar to show users where they are in the setup process, more contextual help when selecting ad options, […]

  11. Yelp: 59 Percent Of Searches Now Mobile Earlier this afternoon, Yelp announced its second quarter earnings. Net quarterly revenue was $55 million, which represents 69 percent growth over last year. The company also announced a smaller loss than a year ago: $878,000 vs. $2.0 million. Yelp said that it now had 42.5 million reviews across its properties. The following are some of the […]

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