Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
AT&T Launches “Hello Lab” So Online Stars Can Lure Young Mobile Users Feb 12, 2016 by Barry Levine The effort, with youth media company Fullscreen, calls for 10 mobile-created projects to engage young audiences via YouTube, Snapchat and elsewhere.
How Marketers Are Using Social Display To Build Brand Love And Grow Business Feb 12, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Brands should take inspiration from the motivation behind love letters when they communicate with their customers. Marketers can unlock the value of users’ social media content by using it to attract other consumers in an authentic and trustworthy way. In short, social media persuades.
5 Simple Strategies To Improve Your Blog’s Search Rankings Feb 12, 2016 by Daniel Faggella Is blogging a major component of your digital marketing strategy? Columnist Daniel Faggella explains how to help your blog reach its full potential in search.
The “BuzzFeeding” Of The Election And Why Marketers Should Be Watching Feb 12, 2016 by Rob Rasko As candidates push out quippy sound bites and ride on the wave of the accompanying media coverage, columnist Rob Rasko explains why marketers should keep an eye on the trend.
In Retail, It’s “The Year Of The Customer” Feb 12, 2016 by Allan Haims From mobile engagement to inventory management, columnist Allan Haims looks at the key trends that dominated the discussions at two major retail conferences.
Cracking The Black Box of Digital Measurement: Mobile Apps Feb 12, 2016 by L. Erik Bratt Columnist L. Erik Bratt discusses why you need to have the right strategy and tools to bring you insights into how users are engaging with your mobile apps.
View Counts Are Coming For Instagram Video Feb 12, 2016 by Greg Finn Soon, brands will be able to see not only “like” and comment data, but also total view counts for Instagram videos.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Streetmap Loses Anti-Competitive Lawsuit Against Google In UK
AdWords Automated Bidding Gets An Overhaul: Welcome, Portfolio Bid Strategies
A Layman’s Visual Guide To Google’s Knowledge Graph Search API
Search In Pics: Google Jedi Master, Aerial Silks Class & Sundar Pichai Meets NFL’s Ronnie Lott
Google Won’t Provide SEO Certifications To Webmasters Or SEO Companies
Google Mobile Image Search Adds Drop-Down & Other UI Changes
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Why The Multi-Channel Funnels And Acquisition Reports Don’t Get Along, www.annielytics.com
Blogs & Blogging
‘I Run My Blog More Like a Television Network’: Inside Shopify’s Next-Level Newsroom, contently.com
How to Cultivate an Audience of Regular Visitors for Your WordPress Website, www.wpexplorer.com
How to Drive Traffic With Roundup Posts, blog.crazyegg.com
Business Issues
Court says Facebook nude painting case can be tried in France, venturebeat.com
Facebook India MD Kirthiga Reddy resigns, www.reuters.com
Moving on from Picasa, googlephotos.blogspot.com
Content Marketing
Content marketers on their biggest challenges, digiday.com
Content Strategy: A Development Guide, blog.kissmetrics.com
For LGBT Media Conglomerate Q.Digital, It’s Authentic Content FTW, adexchanger.com
Industry pros take on content marketing in 6 charts, digiday.com
Let’s Not Kill B2B Whitepapers Just Yet, www.beyondthepaid.com
What is Content Chaos and How To Tackle It?, www.martechadvisor.com
Why the Fire Drill Content Model Doesn’t Work, www.convinceandconvert.com
Conversion Optimization
How Peepers.com Increased Conversions 30%, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
4 Exercises to Spruce Up Your Team’s UX Skills, www.usertesting.com
5 Tips for Recruiting a UX Designer, www.blogherald.com
5 Ways to Improve Your Site’s User Retention, www.convinceandconvert.com
Copyranter’s advice to aspiring female copywriters, digiday.com
Free Fonts With Personality, www.smashingmagazine.com
How to Edit Your Own Work: A Self-Editing Checklist, www.wordstream.com
Valentine’s Creative: Soul Striking Writing for Romance & Emotion, www.aimclearblog.com
.Pro Domain Extension Hits All Time High Number of Domain Registrations, www.thedomains.com
Halle Berry wants her domain name, domainnamewire.com
Groupon Swings to Loss on Higher Spending, Results Beat Projections, www.wsj.com
Is Amazon Pantry still winning on price vs. other online grocers?, econsultancy.com
PayPal Commerce Matches Stripe With PayPal’s Own Native Shopping Toolkit For Apps, techcrunch.com
With Amazon’s help, online consumer goods see hearty growth, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
Email Content Marketing: Examples and Tips, heidicohen.com
Email Marketing Tips for Valentine’s Day, www.martechadvisor.com
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Let Yahoo Mail Write that Love Note for You, yahoo.tumblr.com
Using Online Dating Strategies to Create Successful Onboarding Email Campaigns, www.silverpop.com
General Internet Marketing
6 Valentine’s Day Marketing Tips, www.adweek.com
7 marketing hacks to roar through the downturn, venturebeat.com
8 Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns That Aren’t Boring, contently.com
Accounting and Digital Marketing: 5 Common Themes, 3qdigital.com
Marketers: It’s Time to Rethink the Millennial Mom, adage.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Nasdaq to Acquire Marketwired, www.nasdaqomx.com
A Valentine’s Day ode to marketing tech entrepreneurs, chiefmartec.com
Buying Versus Building Technology: Which is right for you?, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
Facial-Tracking Technology Shows These 5 Super Bowl Ads Were the Most Engaging, www.adweek.com
Have You Made Friends with Your IT Department?, www.silverpop.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
Changing the Push Conversation, www.cmswire.com
How to court a mobile app user, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Ignoring Mobile? Then Say Goodbye to Your Marketing Plan, www.marketingprofs.com
Mobile Ad Targeting: A Labor of Love, www.adweek.com
Mobile Usage Was High During the Super Bowl, www.emarketer.com
Quartz’s new app wants to text you the news, www.theverge.com
Sendbird Looks To Help Developers Add Chat Functions To Any App, techcrunch.com
Smartphone Users Want Real-Time Promotions, www.emarketer.com
Top 8 complaints about mobile shopping reveal persistent issues, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Twitch: Mobile Accounts for 35% of Monthly Viewership, www.adweek.com
Reputation Management
Is There a Wrong Way To Respond to Online Reviews?, smallbiztrends.com
Your Brand Needs a Point of View, But Do You?, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Social Media
5 Industries Changed by Social Media, www.blogherald.com
Does Twitter’s New Sharing Button Mean Less Sharing?, www.searchenginejournal.com
Earn More Facebook Friends for Your Business with These 4 Tips, www.searchinfluence.com
Film talent active on Twitter boosts overall conversation for movies, www.twitter.com
How Twitter’s pitching advertisers on its comeback plan, digiday.com
Lead Generation Campaigns on Twitter Done the Right Way, smallbiztrends.com
Pinterest open-sources its Teletraan tool for deploying code, venturebeat.com
Snapchat Content Strategy: How Marketers Can Win With Snapchat, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Snapchat Wants to Let Users Subscribe to Their Favorite “Discover” Publishers, recode.net
Valentine’s Twitter Targeting for Sweet Social Sales, www.aimclearblog.com
Why Can’t Twitter Grow? (A Theory), www.cmswire.com
500 Million People are Watching Facebook Videos Every Day, www.reelseo.com
How to Create a Successful Instagram Video Ad for Your Organization, librisblog.photoshelter.com
Livestreaming is More Than Hitting a Button on Your Smartphone, smallbiztrends.com
The YouTube AdBlitz Champion of 2016, youtube-global.blogspot.com
YouTube Acquires BandPage To Attract Musicians With Money-Making Tools, techcrunch.com