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Marketing Day: April 9, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

AOL and Microsoft have announced an agreement covering the sale of more than 800 AOL patents to Microsoft for $1.056 billion dollars. As part of the agreement, Microsoft also gains a non-exclusive license to more than 300 other patents that AOL is retaining. And AOL also continues to hold a license on the patents that […]

In a public wall post, Mark Zuckerburg announced that Facebook has purchased Instagram and that the Instagram team will be joining Facebook. This is a unique acquisition for Facebook, as they are not only purchasing a leading application, but the entire user base as well. TechCrunch reports that the Istagram pricetag wasn’t cheap either, coming in at […]

Google Analytics has continually beefed up with social data and full Google+ integration may be right around the corner. The Dutch website Dutchcowboys found some official (and confidential) slides from an official Google deck showing how to connect a Google+ page with Google Analytics. In addition, Arvid Bux discovered the full confidential deck showing more screens about […]

Google+ pages were only launched a few months ago, Google has said that they may have some effect on the search results, as Plus company pages are frequently indexed quickly by Google. While the Google+ layout takes some getting used to, the new social networking site is growing so fast, that companies need to create […]

Google has a free tool that I consider to be a Swiss army knife of free keyword tools. Few people even know this free tool exists. Many of those who know about it have never really played with all of its features. Maybe it’s the name of the tool: Contextual Targeting Tool. I have to […]

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  1. Selling You on Facebook, Wall Street Journal

  2. “It’s Not You, It’s Me.” – Five Reasons For Our Social Media Breakup,

  3. Benefits of Integrating Social Networks on Websites,

  4. Dataminr builds a Twitter-powered early warning system, GigaOM

  5. Facebook Messenger for Android updated with UI tweaks and speed enhancements,

  6. Google+ Hangout with the UN Secretary-General, Official Google Blog

  7. How much is a tweet worth? About 1/10,000 as much as a Yelp review, VentureBeat

  8. How to Find the Top Pinners on Pinterest,

  9. Pinterest drives more revenue per click than Twitter or Facebook, VentureBeat

  10. Spammers attack Pinterest on Easter,

  11. The Biggest Lesson You Can Learn About Social Media,

  12. The Reddit Guide to Massive Traffic,

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