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Marketing Day: April 4, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. The Drop In Facebook Page Reach Is All About The Competition One key reason that Facebook Pages are reaching fewer of their fans with posts: the number of Pages Liked by the average Facebook user has increased by more than 50% in the last year. That statistic, provided by Will Cathcart, Facebook’s News Feed director of product management, in a recent interview with Josh Constine of […]

  2. LG, Microsoft Show Some Life In ComScore Smartphone Report Much like the comScore top 50 internet sites report or its search market share reports, which rarely change much, the firm’s US smartphone report has similarly become flat with little changing from month to month. The new numbers are now out for February. The top two OEM spots are consistently Apple and Samsung. On the […]

  3. Heineken Travels To Outer Space & The Ocean’s Depths In Support Of Reporters Without Borders Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam is out with a new campaign for Heineken which focuses on 40 legendary individuals from the worlds of sports, entertainment, science, art and other areas. Entitled “The Legendary Posters,” the campaign features these 40 people doing interesting and amazing things in support of the global non-profit Reporters Without Borders. The posters […]

  4. FTC Discloses Small Business Complaints Against Yelp Many small businesses continue to feel that Yelp is unfair or complain that Yelp salespeople are using strong-arm tactics to get them to buy advertising on the site. Claims of “extortion” against Yelp have persisted though never been proven with evidence and the company has successfully defended a number of lawsuits on those grounds. These “extortion” […]

  5. Emojis For All! Twitter Emojis Make Their Web Debut Until today, it’s been a bit of a sad experience for web-only Twitter users. While these users have been viewing Tweets on their large monitors they’ve been missing some crucial context in Tweets — the emojis. While mobile users were able to visually express their feelings with emojis, web users would have no context, and […]

  6. Google Glass Turns 2: Here Are 60 Brands & Businesses Using It Google Glass turns two years old today. It was April 4, 2012, when Google announced an idea that was actually called “Project Glass” at the time. Although the device still hasn’t had a wide consumer launch, much has happened to Google Glass in these two years. It’s being used in education at colleges and universities, […]

  7. Is Native Advertising Legal? Does It Matter? I start this article with three controversial statements: Native advertising likely violates Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules on deceptive advertising Native advertisers and publishers will profit tremendously from these violations and receive little to no punishment or regulation from the FTC This concept, which I call “regulatory arbitrage,” has been proven to be highly profitable, […]

  8. Did Samsung Go Too Far With Big Papi-President Obama Selfie? Samsung’s aggressive celebrity social media marketing strategy took a bit of a hit this week when the White House recoiled after learning that the selfie Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz took with President Barack Obama had promotional strings attached. Ortiz, the 2013 World Series MVP, snapped the picture with a Galaxy Note 3 on […]

  9. Vine Adds Private Messaging To Vine Friends And Other Contacts Vine, Twitter’s six-second video sharing app, added the ability to send private messages today: From Vine’s early days, we recognized that there was a growing desire and need for private messaging on Vine. We’ve watched the community come up with some clever ways to send videos to their friends as we’ve been working on this […]

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