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Marketing Day: April 3, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Microsoft Releases Advertising SDKs And Tools For Windows App Monetization Though Cortana is has generated the biggest headlines from Microsoft’s annual Build Conference, the company dangled a few new carrots to entice app developers to focus on creating apps for Windows. Microsoft released new software development kits (SDKs) designed to help developers earn more money from their Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone apps through advertising […]

  2. Survey Shows Twitter Users Find Ads On The Network Irrelevant, Random Twitter’s efforts to increase its user base and to encourage users to spend more time on the service are well documented and widely seen as crucial for the company as it works to extract value from the post-IPO social network. Last week, Deutsche-Bank released a largely bullish report (PDF) recommending that investors buy Twitter stock, […]

  3. Taco Bell’s Breakfast Of Champions: 5 Questions With The Brand’s Director Of Digital Marketing Taco Bell’s recent breakfast menu campaign caught our attention last week when the brand’s “Ronald McDonald” television ads prompted a Tweet from its biggest competitor. Not only did Taco Bell’s TV spots make waves, but a Reddit AMA hosted by Taco Bell president Brian Niccol announcing the new breakfast menu generated over 8,000 comments in […]

  4. Survey: Half Of Not-Online Seniors Say They’re Not Missing Out Newly released telephone survey data from the Pew Research Center reflect that Americans over 65 use the internet in much the same way that younger people do, just not at the same penetration levels. However a large number of seniors who do not currently use the internet don’t feel that they’re missing out. The Pew […]

  5. How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View Google just transformed the inbox again with Gmail Grid View that turns the Promotions tab into a visual shopping mall of marketing emails. For marketers, the question is: how do I get it to work, and what will my emails look like if I don’t do anything at all? I did some testing and noticed some […]

  6. Report: Millennials Spend 48% More Time Watching Online Video Than Average Internet User Online video continues to be in high demand. According to comScore’s newly released Digital Future in Focus report, 85 million daily viewers are consuming online videos, with Millennials spending 48 percent more time watching them than the average internet user. “Young people and Millennials are increasingly difficult to reach via traditional media, but they are […]

  7. Weight Watchers & Getty Images Help You Celebrate Your Incredibleness Most of us wish we could lose a little weight from time to time. Sometimes we put our mind to it and succeed. Other times, life gets in the way and that spare tire or muffin top begins to rear its ugly head. That’s when Weight Watchers wants our attention. To garner that attention and […]

  8. Yelp Versus Foursquare? Who’s Winning In Mobile/Local For Marketers? For business travelers, it’s easy to see why mobile access to discovery tools like Google Places, Yelp and Foursquare is so critical. Determining where to go to get coffee, lunch, printing help, dinner, drinks, etc., often happens at the last minute. What about non-business travelers? Yes, we all have our favorite places to eat, preferred […]

  9. Like Siri, Cortana Can Crack Jokes, If You Ask The Right Questions People quickly discovered when Siri came out that asking her questions like “What’s the best computer” or saying “I love you” resulted in humorous answers. Microsoft’s new digital assistant Cortana has some wit about her, too — and there’s a serious reason for that. Microsoft’s Mike Calcagno, who oversees the Bing search platform that underpins how […]

  10. How Much Should You Spend On Optimization? Calculate Your BUU Analytics platforms. Split testing software. User testing tools. This is starting to sound expensive. And it is. What if it were more expensive not to have these things in your online business? It might very well be. Your business may be one of the many that is hobbled by a “launch and hope” approach to […]

  11. On Social Media Networks, The Mobile-Desktop Tipping Point Is Captured By This Chart It will come as no surprise that social media users are going mobile, more often. But a new comScore report presents the fact in stark relief, as shown in the chart above. “As desktop usage has largely remained flat over the past year for top web properties, mobile usage continues to surge,” comScore concluded. The […]

  12. Introducing MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference Marketing Land’s parent company Third Door Media today announced MarTech, a conference for people pioneering the field of technology-powered marketing, will be held in Boston August 19-20, 2014. Senior and mid-level executives in marketing, IT and the digital divisions of companies and agencies will attend MarTech. The goals of this vendor-agnostic conference are to: help […]

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