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Marketing Day: April 25, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

The Super Bowl may be the biggest sporting event in the U.S., but around the world American football doesn’t hold a candle to soccer’s … err, football’s … popularity. That was proved true on Twitter yesterday when the Champions League semifinal between Barcelona and Chelsea set a new tweets-per-second (TPS) record for a sporting event. […]

Flickr has announced an all-new image uploader — the Flickr Uploadr, as it’s called — that the company says offers a number of improvements over its predecessor. For starters, Flickr says the new Uploadr will send images to Flickr 20 to 30 percent faster on average, with international users possibly seeing uploads going 50 to […]

If the 130+ comments on Search Engine Land’s article are any indication, search marketers are reacting with a mix of frustration and anger toward the anti-spam algorithm change that Google announced yesterday. Many search marketers are saying low-quality sites are continuing to do well in Google’s search rankings, and sometimes even having better visibility than […]

In a new change today, “Trending Articles” have been appearing in Facebook users’ news feeds. The new feature scrolls through 5 articles that appear to be hot across all of Facebook. This feature very much resembles Google’s the “Hot On Google+” functionality but adds in the name of a friend who has recently read the article: […]

Spring has finally arrived, and for most retailers that means something of a lull in holiday frequency (once Mother’s Day has passed), making it an ideal time to get a fresh perspective on email reporting. RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) scoring has long been the go-to method of ranking the value of customers on file. Historically, […]

For many years many publishers and researchers have been fighting a battle against the “tyranny of the click.” They’ve been trying to argue that clicks are a poor metric to rely upon in assessing digital ad campaign performance. Digital measurement firm comScore has been a vocal advocate of developing an alternative set of metrics — […]

Although it was strong iPhone sales that powered Apple’s monster Q2 earnings today, it was likely the launch of the new iPad that helped propel Apple into the Top 10 of all websites during the month of March. According to comScore’s latest Media Matrix ranking of U.S. web properties, Apple had more than 81.1 million […]

The line between Google’s +1 functionality and the Google+ network has always been somewhat blurred. Today Google has announced a new Google+ share button that helps to differentiate the two services. Google originally launched +1 as a tool similar to Facebook’s like functionality. A +1 is the equivalent to a user vouching for a website by […]

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