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Marketing Day: April 24, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Want to understand all the ways that Google Analytics can help you learn how people are interacting with your site? A new “periodic table” may prove useful. Created by Jeff Sauer, the table from his company Jeffalytics covers everything from “As” (AdSense Reports) to even stuff Google Analytics can’t report — “Np” for Not Provided. […]

Email and behavioral marketing technology provider, Silverpop, has raised $25 million in new funding, led by Escalate Capital Partners and Silicon Valley Bank. The company says it will use the money to fuel continued growth for its marketing automation services. The funding is venture debt, possibly signalling an IPO or acquisition is on the horizon. […]

A new report from eMarketer estimates that 15 percent of online retail sales will be made on a mobile device this year, climbing upwards of $39 billion by the end of 2013. The majority of sales will be made from a tablet with only 35 percent of m-commerce happening via a smartphone. This year’s expected […]

In the past, when email marketers noticed a drop in audience engagement, they would increase the volume of email sends, trying to win the attention deficit game by increasing frequency. But this strategy just doesn’t work anymore. With the increased usage of mobile devices, smart phones and multi-channel social streams, your customers (or potential customers) now have […]

(screenshot via CNN) Twitter is warning media outlets to be “extra vigilant” in light of today’s incident involving a fake tweet sent out by hackers that had gained access to the Associated Press’ Twitter account, @AP. It’s also good advice for brands and marketers — and for all Twitter users, actually. Shortly after 1:00 pm […]

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