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Marketing Day: April 24, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Apple has announced their second quarter earnings for 2012, sending their stock (AAPL) soaring up over $40 in after hours trading. Apple earned $39.2 billion in revenue and $11.6 billion in net profit in the quarter, whereas Google earned $10.65 billion in revenue and only $2.89 billion in profit. Apple in Q2 2011 earned revenue […]

Nevada is the latest state to reach an agreement on sales tax collection with — news that should be welcome by affiliate marketers in the Silver State (and elsewhere). As Internet Retailer reports, Amazon will start collecting sales tax on items purchased by Nevada residents on January 1, 2014, or sooner if the federal […]

Google announced earlier that it is now selling the Samsung-made Galaxy Nexus in the Google Play market. Google’s original attempts to sell Android handsets directly via its website were unsuccessful and the effort was discontinued. This new initiative is possible because of improvements in the Google Play market. In addition, $399 is not a bad […]

After literally years of speculation and a few weeks of intense anticipation, Google Drive has arrived. Google Docs is being folded into the new service. Indeed Google Drive is a logical extension of Google’s current cloud platform. It’s the “next step” in Google Docs’ evolution according to the blog post by Google’s Sundar Pichai, SVP of […]

Facebook provides a wealth of data that can be used to calculate many useful metrics not readily available in the standard Insights report (see last month’s column for three examples). Unfortunately, Facebook does not segment data on a monthly basis. All Facebook data is segmented into daily, 7-day, or 28-day time periods. This means that […]

In one eye-opening moment recently, I was thinking about Search Marketing in the context of our industry — and the collective programming of all the conferences, roundtables, panels and workshops that take place. Thinking about how search is reflected in these environments, I found myself looking back over the past two years and realized just […]

About a year ago, while researching Quora for one of my speaking commitments, I typed “bikes” into its search box to see if there was even a single question-answer combo about such a non-tech / non-web topic. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. Quora had a reputation as being extremely heavy on tech and […]

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