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Marketing Day: April 23, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook has amended its S-1 filing to include a range of new facts and data. Below are some of the more interesting details that I was able to find on my first review of the revised document. Revenue & Users In the first quarter this year Facebook made $1.058 billion. That was up from $731 […]

Just two weeks after Microsoft bought more than 925 patents from AOL, the company is turning around and selling about 650 of them to Facebook. The deal also allows Facebook to license the other AOL patents that it’s not buying from Microsoft. According to today’s announcement, the sale will cost Facebook about $550 million — […]

If social media is a cocktail party, then all the great gossip, funny stories and interesting tidbits you hear at that party are the kinds of content we’re all striving to create. People share information online for the same reasons they share in real life. The good news? That makes us all experts in creating […]

Google is opening its AdWords for Video up to the masses, making a big push for small- and medium-sized businesses to jump aboard. The functionality, which brings YouTube video buying into AdWords, began its public beta in September, and Google has made a few tweaks to reporting and measurement for the wide release. “A lot of […]

This week saw the continuing convergence of social, local, mobile and commerce with Facebook and Groupon making strategic acquisitions. In addition, micro-blogging platforms Twitter and Tumblr both moved forward with advertising initiatives. Of course, we still had drama with Larry Page giving Bill Clinton-like testimony and Marissa Mayer taking a page from Eric Schmidt’s playbook. […]

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