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Marketing Day: April 2, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Though Apple is known for its engaging TV advertisements, last quarter an Android OS device — the Samsung Galaxy Note — won the ad effectiveness battle on television. According to ad analytics firm Ace Metrix, the Samsung Galaxy Note spot that appeared on the Academy Awards was the top ad of the first quarter of […]

Why do companies like Toblerone or Pepperidge Farm bother having websites? As if people are going to say to themselves, “Gee, I wish I knew more about Milano cookies. I know! I’ll go to their site!” Just a thought. Many people have talked over the years about the gap between the amount of time that […]

Remember the somewhat annoying and endless stream of “s*%t people say” videos circulating on Facebook and YouTube last month? I’m still surprised I never saw one called “s*&t marketers say.” MarketingSpeak is a language all its own, and it’s filled with phrases like “bandwidth, above the fold, CPM, lift, A/B testing, ahead of the curve […]

On Friday Travel site Expedia filed an antitrust complaint against Google with the EU. That brings the number of formal anti-competition complaints in Europe to 12. According to a widely quoted statement from Expedia the complaint ‘offers evidence of how Google’s conduct harms not only competition, but consumers.” The specific “evidence” was not made public. […]

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