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Marketing Day: April 15, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Battle Over Data: Disconnect 2 Lets Users Block Tracking On More Than 2,000 Websites It’s an ongoing challenge for marketers: Users say they don’t like to be tracked, but they also say they prefer getting relevant ads and messages as they use the web. This battle over data extends into several marketing areas — search, social media, email and more. Part of this mix is third-party tools that get […]

  2. Study: Content Popularity Impacts User Behavior On Facebook, Twitter & Google+ According to an online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey, the popularity of content on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ significantly impacts the likelihood it will be read. Out of 629 participants, 374 were given a survey asking how likely they were to read an article on Facebook that already had 451 Likes. The remaining 255 respondents received […]

  3. AdSense Changes How It Calculates And Reports YouTube Earnings Google AdSense announced that they have started calculating and reporting on earnings from YouTube slightly differently. Starting April 1, 2013, AdSense will no longer calculate and report AdSense for Content Host earnings for YouTube partners. Instead, AdSense earnings from YouTube videos will only be calculated by YouTube and displayed in YouTube Analytics. Prior to this […]

  4. Kicking Third-Party Cookies To The Curb: The Fallout For The Digital Ad Industry More and more Web browsers are blocking the use of third-party cookies by default, a development which has sparked a fierce debate in the digital ad industry. Firefox is the latest browser to make the announcement, forcing marketers, ad technology companies and ad agencies to discover another means for reaching consumers with targeted advertising. This […]

  5. How Soon Before Everybody Gets Twitter Music? #music With a number of unconfirmed announcements and Twitter’s own “Coming Soon” page, there is a steady buzz building for Twitter’s new music app. If rumors are true, Twitter users will receive artist and song suggestions within their newsfeed based on the Twitter accounts they follow, as well as listen to music and watch videos from […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

  1. 2013 Boston Marathon Explosion: Official Information Sources

  2. Study: Google Image Search Referrer Traffic Drops 63% Since Upgrade

  3. Study: Top Reason A User Would Block A Site From A Search? Too Many Ads

  4. Study: Many Searchers Choose Google Over Bing Even When Google’s Name Is On Bing’s Results

  5. Infographic: 26 Ideas For Split Testing Your Search Ads

  6. 14 Ways Facebook Homes In On Local Search

  7. Searching For Mobile Apps May Be In The Cards

  8. Google Testing Sub (Secondary) Sitelinks

  9. Google Logo For Leonhard Euler’s 306th Birthday

  10. 4 Simple Lessons To Make CPA Bidding Work For You

  11. Game Winning Tactics, Solutions & Networking At SMX Advanced, June 11-12

  12. Google’s EU Antitrust Settlement Includes Labeling, Mandatory Competitive Links And Third Party Enforcement

  13. Desktop Search Activity Hits All-Time High In March: 20+ Billion Searches [comScore]

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing


Blogs & Blogging

  1. 6 Pillars of a Successful Blog, Search Engine Journal

Business Issues

Content Marketing

Display & Contextual Advertising


General Internet Marketing

  1. How to Contact Google,

Internet Marketing Industry

Mobile/Local Marketing

Social Media

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