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Marketing Day: April 11, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Blogging is a WordPress-dominated world. Close to half of the top 100 blogs are using WordPress as their publishing system. That’s according to new research published today by the folks at Royal Pingdom. Pingdom used the Technorati Top 100 blogs list as its source list and found that 49 of those 100 blogs are running […]

Big changes are waiting for you the next time you log into your Google+ page. Today Google’s social network launched a total refresh of the look, making images and videos larger and navigation customizable. The design fits very well with the new streamlined Google look and helps to draw more attention to the content that users are […]

We’ve got a special request of our Marketing Land visitors and Marketing Day newsletter readers. Take our 2-minute audience survey! Please? If helping us keep the lights on isn’t enough of an incentive, we’ll include a chance to win a ticket to Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced in Seattle June 5-6. SMX Advanced is […]

Glasses from Google that let you interact with the world? Facebook paying a billion dollars for Instagram? It’s all left Jon Stewart of The Daily Show perplexed, confused and with plenty of fodder for poking fun. In last night’s episode, the comedian took shots at both developments. Of the Google augmented reality glasses, he led […]

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