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Marketing Day: April 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google’s New “Rounded Number” Policy For Special Logos Reacting to criticism that it ran a logo honoring the 86th birthday of farm worker activist Cesar Chavez rather than Easter, Google has announced a new “rounded number” policy for when it will make logos for special events. Google is well known for the special “Doodles” or custom logos it creates to recognize birthdays, anniversaries […]

  2. Leak Reveals “Facebook Phone” Is More Than A Phone It’s Also Homescreen Strategy Android Police has obtained what appears to be lots of detail about what Facebook is going to announce on Thursday. There’s considerable technical information in the post. As rumored, Facebook is apparently announcing an HTC phone (“Myst”), which is being called mediocre in terms of its hardware specs. That phone offers a slightly modified version […]

  3. Twitter Relaunches Its Twitter For Business Site With More Content, New Video Twitter has relaunched its Twitter For Business website with a new look, plus additional content that Twitter hopes will help businesses learn how to build a successful presence there. The how-to content is separated for new or advanced business users, and case studies are organized by size of business and industry. And, of course, there’s […]

  4. 5 Ways Real-Time Bidding Differs From Direct Buys For marketers that want to run online display ad campaigns, choosing between direct channels and real-time bidding (RTB) platforms might seem a little unclear at first. After all, the ultimate result is the same: you are placing your ads on a website somewhere. The process that a marketer must follow, however, to reach that end […]

  5. Blurring Online And Offline, Google Tests Same Day Delivery With “Shopping Express” By some measures, e-commerce is doing very well. This past year, US retail e-commerce hit $186.2 billion, according to comScore. The firm added that Q4 was the first $50 billion quarter, which was also the “ninth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth.” However, things are not all smiles and good cheer in e-commerce land. Relatively soon, sales […]

  6. All The News That’s Fit To Tweet The last few years has seen the rise of what are known as “acqhires,” where start-ups are bought for their talent and tech, rather than the product itself. The most recent and impressive example of this was the decision by Yahoo! to pay a rumoured $30 million to buy Summly, an app with less than […]

  7. Mobile App Targeting On Facebook Gets Smarter With OS & Wi-Fi Targeting Last year Facebook launched Mobile App Install Ads which give advertisers the ability to specifically promote application installs from those apps in the App Center. Last week two new features were released that gives advertisers the ability to target by specific OS version and also to target Wi-Fi connected devices. With these new changes, advertisers can spend […]

  8. EMarketer: Google Takes Back Top Spot In 2012, Out-Selling Facebook In Digital Display Ads Google took the lead in US digital display ad revenue last year, earning $2.26 billion. After coming in second to Facebook in 2011, Google outsold their top competitor in 2012, selling $80 million more than Facebook’s $2.18 billion. In last week’s digital display ad earnings report, eMarketer predicts Google will continue to lead Facebook and […]

  9. EMarketer: Yahoo Ad Revenue Is Growing, But Google Still Owns The Marketshare For the first time in several years, Yahoo saw their net US ad revenue grow in 2012, reaching $3.18 billion. eMarketer forecasts this upward swing to continue, with Yahoo’s net US ad revenues climbing to $3.28 billion by the end of the 2013. According to a report released by eMarketer, the forecasted 2013 numbers are […]

  10. Twitter’s April Fools Joke: Consonants-Only In Basic Service, Vowels Cost $5/Month While Google has spent all of Easter Sunday rolling out its April Fools’ Day jokes, Twitter is getting into the act tonight, too, with a gag that both harkens back to the original spelling of its name and will remind you of the Wheel of Fortune game show. Twitter’s joke is that it’s shifting to […]

  11. The “Who’s Getting Google Glass” List, Including Geordi La Forge & Mythbuster Adam Savage Want to know who will get early versions of Google Glass, Google’s forthcoming smart eyeglasses? There’s an awesome new list out with lots of names you’ll know. Last month, Google announced it would expand its “Explorer” program beyond developers and invited people to apply through submissions via Google+ or Twitter, with 8,000 openings up for […]

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