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Marketing Day: Angry Search Marketers Rip Google, Telegraph Forgets Forgotten Articles & More

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Like a volcanic eruption, search marketers are raising their voices today over an unpopular AdWords change that Google announced late Thursday. If you missed the news, Google said that AdWords will no longer allow advertisers to prevent their ads from showing up on “close variants” of their keywords — i.e., ads will, by default, show […]

The Daily Telegraph’s recent campaign to document all its stories that have been removed from Google under the EU’s Right To Be Forgotten took an odd turn today when the Telegraph itself mysteriously removed three stories about removals. Make your head hurt? Me, too — especially when I literally watched one of the stories I […]

Fueled by surging growth by Android in emerging markets, smartphone companies shipped a record 301.3 million devices during the second quarter, according to a report released by the International Data Corporation today. Android accounted for 255.3 million devices shipped — 84.7% of the total, a 33.3% gain over the second quarter of 2013 and nearly […]

A business application adopts a hip-hop persona in On24′s latest effort promoting its webinar services.

The current VP of Product Management and Harvard acquaintance of Mark Zukerberg will be leaving the company at the end of the month. Sam Lessin, previous founder of start-up, will be on his own and according to a Facebook update that he posted yesterday. According to the post, he’ll be spending more time kite-surfing, chasing […]

If a tree falls in the forest… For decades, marketers have relied on their ability to tell a good story – and relied on mass media to do the rest. Twenty years ago, putting an ad on heavy national TV rotation would ensure it would be seen by 80% – 90% of your target audience. Today, media – and […]

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