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Marketing Day: #AmazonWishList Tweets, Spotify PartyDrones & Kia Motors EVP Of Marketing

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Skyhook’s New Location Platform Delivers Context, Personalization Boston based Skyhook Wireless today announced what it’s calling “Context Accelerator,” a set location-driven capabilities that help mobile developers and publishers use mobile-location more easily and for a wider range of purposes. Skyhook built the original hybrid WiFi/GPS/cell-tower database that was used by Google and Apple for location before each developed their own derivative systems. […]

  2. Spotify-Powered PartyDrone Flies Over Concert-Goers’ Heads And Plays Their Favorite Songs A mobile phone service company tries to raise awareness by making music fans look up.

  3. Amazon’s Twitter E-Commerce Integration Now Adds To Your Wish List With a #AmazonWishList Tweet Amazon expanded its Twitter e-commerce integration today, giving users the ability to add to Amazon wish lists using the hashtag #AmazonWishList in a reply to a tweet. In May Amazon launched a variant of this feature that enabled customers to drop items they discovered on Twitter into their shopping carts — using #AmazonCart in replies. […]

  4. Get To Know: Kia Motors EVP Of Sales & Marketing Michael Sprague As the Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Kia Motors America (KMA), Michael Sprague is the central point of contact for all sales and marketing activities. During his tenure, Sprague has managed all five of the brand’s influential Super bowl campaigns; oversaw 16 new vehicle launches; and, led the team that introduced the […]

  5. 4 Data-Driven Tips To Optimize Your Return Policy For The Holidays Generous return policies may drive sales, but will they hurt your bottom line? Contributor Jordan Elkind gives recommendations on making promotional decisions.

  6. How To Design A Shopping Cart Abandonment Email Campaign Did you know that more than 1/3 of shopping cart abandonment emails lead to a purchase? Check out 5 tips for designing a cart retrieval email campaign that can help you recover lost sales.

  7. Is That Display Ad Unviewable, Or Fraudulent? Consider The Intent Contributor Rob Rasko explains how to distinguish between unviewable and fraudulent display ads.

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