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Marketing Day: Amazon Removes Flash, Bing’s Android Knowledge Graph API & A Social Media

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Microsoft “Embeds” 25 Online Influencers Into Epic #DoAnything YouTube Career Advice Video Microsoft aims to keep its Surface tablet top of mind at a time when UK youth are pondering their future careers.

  2. Adobe Flash Takes Another Hit As Amazon Moves To Eliminate All Flash-Based Ads Starting September 1, Flash-based advertising will cease to exist on or the Amazon Advertising Platform.

  3. Twitter’s Audience Platform Now Includes Off-Twitter Placements Of Video & Tweet Ads Advertisers will be much more interested in the Audience Network with the new (and announced) ad types.

  4. Bing Lures Android Developers With New Knowledge Graph API Bing has announced a new Knowledge and Actions Graph API for Android developers. The objective is to get Android developers to deeply integrate Bing Knowledge Graph information.

  5. Email Best Practice Pros: Lifescript Goes Heart-To-Heart If you’re emailing to women, columnist Steve Dille has some lessons to share. Dille explains how Lifescript uses email to effectively compete in the increasingly crowded universe of online health resources.

  6. 5 Steps To Finding Hidden Website Optimization Gems When you’re trying to optimize your website, sometimes it’s hard to sift through all the ideas for boosting your conversion rate. Columnist Brian Massey discusses how to pin down the best approach.

  7. Shopify Integrates AdRoll To Activate Retargeting Campaigns The AdRoll For Shopify app enables retargeting without having to add code to store sites.

  8. Nail B2B Authority Targeting: Psychographic Targeting Hot House True professionals are never off duty, even on Facebook. For most marketers, media spend is precious and not to be wasted, especially when playing the high-stakes long game of B2B sales.

  9. Optimise Your Marketing Organisation: Attend MarTech Europe. More than 50 percent of marketing decision makers believe that organizations should have both a CMO and a Chief Marketing Technologist (CMT), according to a recent study.

  10. Pew: Facebook Dominant But Flat, Instagram, Pinterest Have Doubled Users Almost half (49 percent) of those 18 to 29 in the US are now users of messaging apps, according to new survey data from the Pew Research Center.

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  1. Complete Guide to YouTube Optimization: Everything You Need to Know,

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