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Marketing Day: AdWords exact match podcast, PPC attribution tricks & Twitter news

Writer: Fahad HFahad H

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. How much is a happy customer worth? Mar 24, 2017 by Digital Marketing Depot Call it corny, but today’s marketers really need to create an emotional connection with their customers. Why? Because today’s customer is much more receptive to positive brand experience. A new Lithium/Harris poll finds that US consumers will spend one-third of their disposable incomes with brands they love.

  2. SMX West: What Google’s exact match changes mean for AdWords advertisers [Podcast] Mar 24, 2017 by Matt McGee In this week’s Marketing Land Live, listen in to clips from the “flash session” at SMX West as our panel answered audience questions about Google’s dilution of exact match keywords.

  3. Beware these 7 sneaky PPC attribution tricks Mar 24, 2017 by Andrew Goodman You may think you’re hitting your conversion goals, but columnist Andrew Goodman warns that faulty attribution can lead to inaccurate or misleading performance data.

  4. Taboola & The Trade Desk now offer a single interface for native ads, video ads Mar 24, 2017 by Barry Levine The content discovery service takes another step toward making video a standard part of its repertoire.

  5. This new AI-powered social marketing tool can predict engagement or write the post for you Mar 24, 2017 by Barry Levine Called Pi and launching this week from startup Post Intelligence, it uses a neural network to build a custom model for each user’s patterns.

  6. I love pay-for-performance SEO — but I won’t do it. Here’s why. Mar 24, 2017 by Stoney deGeyter Even though pay-for-performance may sound great in theory, contributor Stoney deGeyter says the reality is that the marketing provider ends up getting burned.

  7. OUTFRONT Media CMO says her job is to keep moving the ball down the field Mar 24, 2017 by Amy Gesenhues Get to Know: OUTFRONT Media CMO Jodi Senese

  8. 4 advanced targeting strategies for B2B marketers Mar 24, 2017 by Jessica Cameron Columnist Jessica Cameron explains how understanding specific audience segments can help you engage with your B2B audience across all stages of the buying process.

  9. Twitter explores paid subscription version of TweetDeck as ad biz struggles Mar 23, 2017 by Tim Peterson Twitter doesn’t currently make money from people who use its ad-free TweetDeck app, but soon it might.

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