Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
First-page minimum bids continue to rise in wake of Google desktop SERP changes Apr 1, 2016 by Andy Taylor Columnist Andy Taylor discusses AdWords bidding trends following Google’s move to eliminate right-rail ads and show four top-of-page ads for some queries.
April Fools’ Day 2016: Gmail mic drop prank goes sour, Bing’s dancing puffins & more Apr 1, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Google wasted no time getting into the April Fools’ Day spirit, making a number of fake announcements before the day even started.
From waste to win: watch how a simple change affects AdWords performance Apr 1, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard Wasted ad spend can indicate issues with your AdWords account. Fortunately, as Jacob Baadsgaard reminds us, it’s also under your control.
The ideal Facebook advertising structure: single objective Apr 1, 2016 by Brad O’Brien As Facebook campaigns get more complex, adopt an account structure that makes for easy management. Columnist Brad O’Brien shares his go-to method.
Retooling mail optimization: how real-time actions put direct mail back into fashion Apr 1, 2016 by Lewis Gersh What if you could take the data from your digital marketing efforts and apply it to your direct mail campaigns? Columnist Lewis Gersh explains how real-time, intent-driven data can be used to enhance this tried-and-true marketing channel.
Martech: What happens when you’ve been over-served? Apr 1, 2016 by Scott Vaughan Has your organization become bogged down by marketing technology? Are you dealing with overlapping solutions or tech that no longer works with your processes? If so, columnist Scott Vaughan has advice for getting back to basics.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Still hanging onto Bing Ads Campaign Analytics? Time to switch to UET
Report: search drives 10X more traffic to shopping sites than social media
How to enhance your Google Knowledge Graph result (case study)
The rise of personal assistants and the death of the search box
Search in Pics: Google firing squad, butterfly & Twitter jamming at Google
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Measuring Uninstall Tracking: 4 Methods for Marketers, www.tune.com
Monitoring Your Online Community to Increase ROI, www.searchenginejournal.com
Blogs & Blogging
Blog Comments Revisited: Why Major Bloggers Are Turning Comments Back On, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Easy Tips for Bloggers to Make Insta-Dough on Instagram, www.blogherald.com
Social Media Won’t Kill Blog Comments – Bloggers Will, dannybrown.me
Business Issues
Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon voice support for Obama’s Clean Power Plan, venturebeat.com
Regis McKenna’s 1976 Notebook And The Invention Of Apple Computer, Inc., www.fastcompany.com
Slack just raised another $200 million round, and it’s now worth $3.8 billion, www.businessinsider.com
Content Marketing
2 Questions to Ask Before Becoming a Brand Publisher, contentmarketinginstitute.com
How (and Why) to Create a Whitepaper, 3qdigital.com
How Brands Can Benchmark Their Impact Against Competitors, www.newswhip.com
How One Small Template Change Led to Greater Customer-centric Content for WeddingWire, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
Simple Trick To Create Content Faster, www.clicknewz.com
Conversion Optimization
How Emotional Targeting Converts More Leads, blog.kissmetrics.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Building a CTA Button Your Leads Can’t Help But Click, blog.kissmetrics.com
WordPress.org UX Research Begins as Part of Long-Term Plan for Redesign, wptavern.com
5 charts that break down the e-commerce landscape today, digiday.com
5 Reasons Why Brands Can’t Measure DTC Channels By Sales Alone, multichannelmerchant.com
Amazon Payments persuades small retailers to work with Amazon, www.internetretailer.com
E-Commerce Boom Roils Trucking Industry, www.wsj.com
Ecommerce Sales Expected to Boom Again This Holiday Season, www.emarketer.com
How e-retailers can sell more with product recommendations, www.internetretailer.com
US shoppers save big-ticket online purchases for desktop, qz.com
Email Marketing
Do Your Emails Have This Key Ingredient To Drive Sales?, thedma.org
Look Great in the Inbox for Nonprofits, blogs.constantcontact.com
General Internet Marketing
3 Things That The “Used Car Salesman” Can Teach Us About Online Marketing, blog.crazyegg.com
Can Influencer Marketing Really Motivate Purchases? (Study), www.adweek.com
Total Marketing Wellness: The Health of Your Marketing, www.portent.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Predicted Demographics for MailChimp Pro and More in Our Latest Release, blog.mailchimp.com
In Ad Tech, Every Day Can Feel Like April Fools’ Day, adexchanger.com
Marketing tech landscape in 2045 will consolidate to one logo, chiefmartec.com
What Marketers Should Know About Today’s Ever-Expanding Technology Landscape, www.emarketer.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 Ways to Deliver ROI for Mobile Marketing Investment, www.tune.com
Inside BuzzFeed’s international news app strategy, digiday.com
Mobile Viewability Standards Are About To Get Real, adexchanger.com
MRC’s First Stab at Viewability Standards Treats Mobile Ads the Same as Desktop, www.adweek.com
The 5 Best Twitter Apps for a Mobile Phone with a Twist, smallbiztrends.com
Social Media
7 Insider Tips to Rock Your Social Media Presence, smallbiztrends.com
Changes Atop Facebook’s Communications Department, www.adweek.com
Facebook Ad Engagement: The Problem With “Too Much”, www.jonloomer.com
Facebook Hacks and Tips to Grow Your Community, ignitevisibility.com
Facebook Persona Buyer Targeting Part 2, www.aimclearblog.com
How Social Media Helps You Optimize Account-Based Marketing, www.cmswire.com
How Social Media Works When Your Fans Are Truly Passionate, www.convinceandconvert.com
Instagram Lessons from Wedding Brands For Any Social Marketer, simplymeasured.com
Reddit change sparks concerns about U.S. government spying, www.reuters.com
Snapchat Discover publishers could get comScore numbers, digiday.com
Snapchat was wonky or down for some but it’s back now, techcrunch.com
Social Media Manager: Job Description & Interview Questions, www.bruceclay.com
Stop Begging Your Instagram Followers to Turn on Notifications, www.adweek.com
The 2016 FbStart Apps of the Year is Now Accepting Submissions, developers.facebook.com
The Onion is coming to Snapchat Discover, digiday.com
The World Cultural Festival on Facebook, media.fb.com
These Are the Brands Slam Dunking March Madness on Social Media, www.adweek.com
Top 5 Social Media Marketing Tips For Small Businesses, www.searchenginepeople.com
Understanding the Ad Overlay, blog.business.instagram.com
6 Landing Page Video Worst Practices to Avoid, www.searchenginejournal.com
Facebook Video: New Platform for Climate Change Discussion?, www.reelseo.com
Learn HTML5 Ads Before It’s Too Late, blog.adstage.io
Video Creators Are Frustrated With Pace of Facebook’s Antipirating Efforts, www.wsj.com
Watch a stop motion video made entirely in Snapchat, venturebeat.com