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Marketing Day: A New Google Panda Update, The Ello Social Network & Twitter Ads That Target Mov

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook’s Buy Button Test Is Powered By Stripe’s Technology Started in July, Facebook’s “Buy” button, which gives users the ability to purchase directly from posts and ads in their News Feed, is still in test mode and the social network is staying quiet about when it will be given wider release. But we now have more information about who will be providing the underlying […]

  2. Russia Moves To Censor Google, Facebook, Twitter Under Vladimir Putin Russia has taken many steps backward toward its repressive, Cold War past. It’s apparently taking another by notifying Google, Facebook and Twitter that they’re now required to register as “organizers of information distribution,” according to The Dutch-owned Moscow Times. This is reportedly a precursor to imposing what amounts to censorship restrictions comparable to those […]

  3. Google Rolling Out New Panda Update Designed To Penalize Websites With Low Quality Content Last night, Google announced a new Panda Update that helps the search engine identify websites with low-quality content. According to Googler Pierre Far, this recent update, which started rolling out earlier this week and is expected to be complete by next week, will affect three to five percent of queries depending on their locale. Designed […]

  4. EU Seeking Numerous Google Privacy Disclosures, Policy Changes According to Reuters, Google was given formal privacy recommendations this week in response to its consolidated privacy policy, which allows Google to combine data it captures across its various services. Europe has long objected to Google’s unified privacy policy because regulators contend it’s too vague and gives Google too much discretion over use of personal […]

  5. How Audiences Have Changed Paid Search Auction Dynamics Contributor Benny Blum explains why audience, rather than the keyword, is key to successful paid search campaigns. Learn how and save big.

  6. Beyond Newsletters: 5 Tips To Help You Completely Re-Think Email Marketing Despite the rise of other marketing channels like mobile and social media, email is still going strong — if you’re doing it well.

  7. Lufthansa Spreads Campaign Across Social Media With ‘Selfie Ad Unit’ No one looks at ads, right? Especially those pesky little mobile ones. They’re just… so annoying! But what if a mobile ad was actually engaging? No, not engaging in the way too many gurus would have you believe when they ridiculously pontificate about the wonders of engagement. No, actual engagement as in the person becomes […]

  8. Say Hello To Ello: A New Social Network That Really Hates Advertising Today, the Internet’s chattering and blogging classes were consumed by Ello, a new social network that swears it will never impose advertising on its users. It will also never sell or share user data with third parties, it assures in a manifesto that leaves no doubt as to how the founders of the network feel: […]

  9. Twitter Will Target Movie Fans With Ads Twitter is planning to test targeting advertising to fans tweeting about movies. The move was reported first by the Hollywood Reporter. The program, similar to Twitter’s existing TV conversation targeting, will give studios the ability to show ads to people discussing upcoming movies or characters in those films. It will also include targeting of people […]

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  2. 90% of Companies in the FTSE 100 are on Twitter,

  3. Breaking Down the Twitter Engagement Equation,

  4. Facebook is the New Google. That’s the bad news.,

  5. Facebook prioritizes user IDs over cookies to boost mobile budgets,

  6. Facebook redesigns birthday post flow,

  7. Facebook Targeting for Beginners,

  8. How to Make Social Commerce More Appealing,

  9. Revelations of a Twitter Ads First-Timer,

  10. Setting Twitter Goals: A Quick Guide to Advanced Analysis,

  11. Social Media is Not Your Problem,

  12. The Volume of Twitter Mentions by Country, Language, and Time,

  13. Tweet-a-Program to Wolfram Alpha’s @wolframtap and it Tweets Back The Result,

  14. What Twitter Can Teach us About Marketing Automation Users,


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