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Machu Picchu and martech: CMO lessons from the Inca Empire


I just returned from a holiday exploring Peru and the “lost city” of the Inca Empire, Machu Picchu. If you are a student of history, like to explore or just enjoy good food, I highly recommend you put Peru and Machu Picchu on your list.

I was intrigued by the many tales of this ancient city, the marvels of Inca innovation and their way-before-their-time thinking to build a perfectly situated, planned community nestled in the Andes Mountains.

Most impressive is the way the Incas developed Machu Picchu and creative ways to exploit the many natural resources in this South American land. Nearly 500 years later, we’re still fascinated with this advanced society.

Time away from the office and the day-to-day of my marketing role had me reflecting on what we can learn from the Incas for modern times. Many thoughts popped into my head, including the importance of innovation, the attention to meticulous planning and how to create the right balance for long- and short-term needs. Much like the Incas, marketing is in a golden era, with so much innovation and so many new possibilities being developed to contribute to our business (aka the community).

Inspired by the book, “Turn Right at Machu Picchu,” by Mark Adams, which follows Hiram Bingham’s 1912–1914 discovery of and journeys around Machu Picchu, following are four lessons that we can apply today from the lost city and the mysterious Inca Empire.

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