Looking to claim more real estate in a Facebook News Feed near you? Links may be the answer. According to InsideFacebook, a Facebook post with a link is going to take up nearly 3x the space of previous link previews. Here’s a mock-up of the old link with the new size transposed on top (courtesy of InsideFacebook):

The previous link images (shown in blue above) were just 90 pixels by 90 pixels. The new image size is 154 pixels by 154 pixels, just a hair under 3 times the overall pixels. According to InsideFacebook, this is not occurring on video links to sites like YouTube.

Links have traditionally taken up less real estate than photos and videos posted to Facebook. This led many marketers wanting to boost CTR to post vivid images as updates with links included in the description instead of just posting a straight link.
This is another reason for marketers to pay attention to Open Graph tags for all content. To get a refresher on just how the Open Graph protocol works, see this helpful guide from Facebook.
We’ve reached out to Facebook for comment and will update with any additional information on this new feature. For more information, see InsideFacebook. All images courtesy of InsideFacebook.